Non Breaking Space Show № 82: Rachel Andrew — The Future of CSS Layouts

Christopher Schmitt
2 min readJun 15, 2016


Today’s Non Breaking Space Show guest is Rachel Andrew. Rachel Andrew returns as our guest. She’s an author, international speaker, product is a web developer, speaker, co-founder of CMS Perch. She’s recently been writing and speaking about the future of web design layouts: CSS Grids and Flexbox.

Topics discussed with Rachel Andrew:

  • 1:00 → Sponsors: CSS Summit, Uber, CSS Dev Conf, Feed.Press
  • 3:05 → What book was that? What’s the title?
  • 3:24 → How is the process for writing a book?
  • 4:00 → What updates were needed?
  • 4:40 → Bringing it up to date, HTML5 is old, but it holds up
  • 5:24 → Perch, Perch Summit; how is it since we last spoke
  • 5:56 → Perch Shop
  • 6:22 → Perch allows you to drop CMS into HTML sites
  • 7:05 → Features in Perch Shop
  • 10:00 → Keeping up with VAT taxes
  • 11:40 → What are the digital pieces of proof of location for purchases in Europe?
  • 14:15 → UK voting on leaving the EU
  • 14:40 → Small business struggle with the record keeping aimed at big business
  • 16:33 → Christopher’s boring city tax story
  • 22:30 → Speaking schedule
  • 24:30 → How is flying in and out of the US?
  • 26:15 → Are you a die-hard Omnifocus user?
  • 28:25 → How do you have your projects set up? At home? Hobbies?
  • 29:30 → I like the idea of context. Context should be a priority
  • 30:10 → “Brain-dead option” in Omnifocus
  • 31:50 → Talking CSS layouts
  • 33:52 → What is the difference between CSS grids and Flexbox?
  • 37:56 → Does Flexbox solve the problem of positioning elements?
  • 38:40 → Is there a far less reliant on media queries?
  • 41:00 → Layout at the moment is really hard
  • 42:00 → As an author, how do you handle browsers and updates?
  • 43:18 → When do you think CSS grids will be stable?
  • 44:11 → Is feature browser flag the replacement for browser vendor prefixes?
  • 48:30 → Rachel’s books about grids and layouts
  • 50:10 → How did you get into running?

Non Break­ing Space Show is still free of charge to owners of Steph Curry’s dad shoes along with the show notes and resources: Non Breaking Space Show № 82: Rachel Andrew — The Future of CSS Layouts



Christopher Schmitt

I review sites & consult @knowbility on digital #a11y to allow equal access for all. @NBSPtv Host, CSS Cookbook Author, @CSSWG Member. Formerly @FrontendMasters