Create a New Niche For Business Opportunity with VoIP Optimizer and SIM Based Termination

Larry Johnson
3 min readDec 16, 2015


Serving international clients over phones today is done with internet calls, which consumes a lot of bandwidth. After some calls, the quality of calls goes down due to limited bandwidth and slow internet speed. VoIP bandwidth optimizer and SIM based termination come as a savior in this situation and help businesses grow by effectively serving their customers even on phone calls.

VoIP telephony has brought a revolutionary change in the business world. It has made reaching overseas clients much easier and cost effective. It is slowly replacing the conventional telephonic calls not just due to reduced cost, but also due to the growth opportunity for the businesses by allowing them to reach out to the customers in remote areas.

With more and more businesses switching from analog phone services to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), high bandwidth consumption and rapidly growing cost of customer service have become biggest challenges. To take out businesses from this problem many companies came up with innovative software for VoIP bandwidth optimization and SIM based termination.

Software designed for the SIM cards gives the business more hold on their SIM card channels. With the help of SIM based termination one can separate the SIM cards from GSM terminals for better control on SIM cards and GSM channels along with better SIM price plan usage.

Perfect for telecom distributors and service providers, the software allows them better user interface with effective telecom operation.

Looking at the huge demand of the bandwidth optimization software, many new companies entered into the market with so called ‘innovative and effective’ software. But you can’t go for any software or company. As it has direct impact on your business and revenue, you should select VoIP optimization software very carefully. Make sure the bandwidth optimizer you buy reduce bandwidth consumption without affecting call quality or latency.

Main features you should check while investing in VoIP bandwidth optimizer:

· It should reduce the bandwidth cost without affecting call quality

· It improves the QoS (quality of service)

· It should reduce the latency time

· It should also work in SIP blocked areas

· It should support all commonly used codes

· The company from which you buy the software should provide round-the-clock support

Some companies are also offering VoIP optimizers with advanced features to overcome the drawbacks in the traditional VoIP. These features include:

Enhanced quality: These prevent you from the problems created due to high latency and jitters. By installing advanced VoIP bandwidth optimizer, you can put a check on delays and interruptions even when handling multiple calls from the same IP.

Redundancy: With this you don’t have to wait for the one call to get over to connect with the other client or to call a client again if one line fails. It allows you to stay connected to the client even when one line fails, by connecting you to other connection. So, the possibility of dropped calls goes almost zero.

Analytics: Yes, with the advanced optimizers like ‘TP Optimizer,’ you can get in depth analysis reports with the details of uptime and performance.

If the experts are to be believed, VoIP has bright future with unmatched benefits for the businesses. It is equally effective both at home and workplace. This technology for future is further bringing the world together with quality and cost-effective call globally.

Hope the tips given here help you grow your business more and offer excellent customer support with the high-quality calls.

