Go for Online doctor consultation and save your time and money.

Telerain MD
2 min readDec 9, 2017


In today’s world, everyone has a hectic and fast paced way of life. Everyone want everything at their fingertips and done at the click of a button. Why not a consultation with an online doctor? Online consultation with a doctor provides patients with a facility for health information exchange without visiting a doctor personally in his/her clinic.

Online doctor consultation and prescription services are fast gaining popularity because of many reasons:


Online doctor consultations are the easiest way for everyone, especially the ones who have limited health insurance or none at all. People who are too sick to visit the doctor also avail the online consultation.

Flexible Timing

An enormous benefit of online medical services is the flexible timing that allows patients to consult an online doctor anytime 24/7 and have medications prescribed. As opposed to the traditional medical facilities where patients have to stick around to get an appointment with a doctor, online facilities don’t let their patients wait long.

Fees Comparison

Even the online medical consultation fee differs from one website to another. In such a case, people get the opportunity to evaluate the fees and benefits of different services, which is not possible when consulting a traditional doctor. This not only helps you get a prescription within your budget, but also research whether or not the doctors are certified.


Such services are good for those patients who are uncomfortable by certain medical conditions. Such people can tell their problems to an online physician incognito. These services even remain the individuality of all their patients obscured.

Fast Services

The time you spend in setting up an appointment with the doctor can very well be utilized in giving your details to an online medical consultant. While you are confirming the appointment, you are more likely to get a prescription from the website. This, however, goes for easy medical conditions and if you have acute problems, you may have to wait a while for the prescription.


Best option for those who visit doctor’s office at regular intervals, resulting in heavy charges for their basic medical care. Getting prescriptions from the online medical services, on the other hand, cuts down the charges remarkably.



Telerain MD

Hi, I'm Andrea Smith working with TelerainMD, which is Telehealth services provider, where you can consult with our doctor by phone or video.