Introducing Telescopia

Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2018

Telescopia offers an Unprecedented multilingual live telescope experience that encapsulates a vast network of services: live control, video feed, consultants, tour guides, professional image capturing (astrophotography), lecture rooms, mixed reality experience throughout all services and a telescope marketplace.

Telescopia operates in a peer to peer fashion where all services are provided from a network of telescope owners (provider). The providers are managed in democratic approach where all services are handled based on an election algorithm to effectively normalize the earnings among them.

Consumer Groups

  1. Students, Teachers, Schools and Universities.
  2. Cosmologists, Astronomers and Researchers.
  3. Event Driven Consumers and Photographers.
  4. Explorers and General Observers.

Market Size

Targeting more than 1.7 Billion students around the world, more than 88 million teachers, more than 2 million schools, more than 28 thousand universities and more than 8 thousand research institute around the world.


  • Exploration and Educational
    Telescopia revolutionize how teachers, students and researchers use telescopes, by helping them create powerful materials and reports using an actual scientific machine (telescope) and mindful narraters. While opening a new lens of reality to all of us so we can explore and traverse our vast universe.
  • Mobility and Accessibility
    Telescopia offers fast, affordable and easy way to explore our vast universe in the comfort of the computer screen 24 hours and 365 day using cutting edge telescopes and accessories, wide range of narraters and tour guides.
  • Profitability
    Amateur astronomers (providers) will have the ability to use their telescopes to earn profit by connecting their telescopes and equipments to Telescopia. Astrophotographers will have the ability to capture state of the art cosmos images all day and year round.


Our goal is to facilitate amateur astronomers telescopes ( providers ) to offer low cost and high quality alternative to traditional telescopes; Opening greater educational horizon that enlighten the students and researchers all over the world.


Introduce the international and cryptocurrency world with a new lens to our vast universe; which is consistently perceived as low cost and high quality alternative to traditional telescopes; Opening greater educational horizon that enlighten the students and researchers all over the world.


Our vision is to lead the telescope streaming industry globally, plant landmarks with the innovative technologies we offer, revolutionize the industry by introducing space telescope streaming technology, We will not settle for anything less than excellence.

Streaming Services

  1. Object Observation Session
    One celestial object observation session without telescope control, especially tailored for a general observers, explorers, event driven consumers, or photographers.
  2. Private Observation Session
    Fully personalized telescope experience complete with exclusive controls, interchangeable accessories, navigation assistance, tour guiding and much more, that is tailored for researchers, amateur and professional astronomers, students and teachers.
  3. Group Observation Session
    Fully private group session with controls, realtime interchangeable accessories, long exposure astrophotography and much more, specially tailored for researchers, amateur and professional astronomers, students and teachers.
  4. SkyTour
    Journey through the vast universe with Telescopia, developed especially for general observers, explorers, students and teachers.

Other Services

  • Astrophotography.
  • Super Resolution Astrophotography.
  • Tour Guide.
  • Expert Consultation.
  • Mixed Reality Experience for all Streaming Services.
  • Geographic and Weather Map.
  • SkyMap.
  • Virtual Reality SkyMap.
  • Telescope Market Place.

Cyrus Token (CYRS)

Used in every transaction within the system as well as by providers when they acquire a telescope quota. Cyrus Token (CYRS) is the key element of the system and provides the opportunity to perform in-system transactions. CYRS is designed to allow greater system flexibility in real time as well as provide grounds for future growth and development of the system. All CYRS tokens will be issued during the ICO. A CYRS token may be divided up to 0.00000001 CYRS.

Use Cases

CYRS may be purchased, exchanged, sold, leased or rent out. A token holder can register in the system as a provider. The provider can become a participant in the system by holding an amount of 10000 CYRS per telescope. The provider is payed in CYRS for participating in Telescopia and meeting technical requirements. The provider as well as any other CYRS token holder is eligible to fully dispose of the tokens.

Any Telescopia user may lease his tokens or rent them out to other Telescopia users. If a CYRS token is leased, the lessee acquires the right to use the token like users and providers do. The lease is ensured by the smart contract. Lease price is based on market conditions.

Token Price Support

The CYRS token price is backed by the profitability of services rendered by the provider and Telescopia for the telescopes registered for 10000 CYRS, as well as by CYRS token turnover. When the smart contract registers new telescope quota for existing or new providers, that exceeds the maximum telescope limit while the system minimum utilization is above 70% (meaning that there are big inflow of users on the system), the CYRS quota for telescope will begin to decrease. The purpose of lowering the quota is to encourage new providers thus ensuring there are telescopes always available to the users. Therefore as the usage of Telescopia grows, CYRS will be backed by more real assets (telescopes).

Token Sale and Leasing

The Telescopia smart contract will be based on the ERC20 standard. Many exchange markets also allow their users to lease tokens under flexible conditions. Thus CYRS tokens will be traded and leased on many exchange markets.

CYRS token leasing is a very important financial instrument for the Telescopia economic model. Free circulation of CYRS tokens on exchanges can lead to a sharp increase in the price of the token. This presents obstacles in purchasing CYRS tokens, consequently hindering the development of the service. Leasing remains financially attractive even if the prices on the market are high. The token holder rents them out and thus becomes closer to the break-even point. This scheme is profitable and transparent for both the token holder and the lessee.

Cyrus Token Emission


  1. Website:
  2. White Paper: Link
  3. BitcoinTalk Announcement: Link
  4. ICO Bench Listing: Link
  5. Facebook: Link
  6. Telegram: Link
  7. Discord: Link
  8. Slack: Link
  9. Twitter: Link




Explore the cosmos with Telescopia unprecedented multilingual peer-to-peer live telescope stream and control platform.