Recent Google AI Publications On Machine Learning

James L. Komi
1 min readJul 22, 2019


Recent Google AI Publications On Machine Learning

8 Recent Google AI Publications On Machine Learning: Machine learning is a powerful tool for gleaning knowledge from massive amounts of data.

While a great deal of machine learning research has focused on improving the accuracy and efficiency of training and inference algorithms, there is less attention in the equally important problem of monitoring the quality of data fed to machine learning.


  1. Data Validation for Machine Learning
  2. 3LC: Lightweight and Effective Traffic Compression for Distributed Machine Learning
  3. Automatically Charting Symptoms From Patient-Physician Conversations Using Machine Learning
  4. Identifying and Correcting Label Bias in Machine Learning
  5. Identifying the intersections: User experience + research scientist collaboration in a generative machine learning interface
  6. How to Develop Machine Learning Models for Healthcare
  7. TensorFlow.js: Bringing Machine Learning to the Web and Beyond
  8. Toward Exploring End-to-End Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Aerial Machines

Data Validation for Machine Learning

Originally published at on July 22, 2019.

