What is special about Konqueror Browser?

Sylvie Telma
3 min readOct 27, 2021


Konqueror is a well-known open-source web browser application with many uses. For example, Konqueror supports multiple languages, including German, Spanish, English, and many others. It also has a user-friendly interface, simple configuration, and an extensive range of extensions.

Konqueror has many great features that differentiate it from other competing open-source browsers. Among them, it allows the use of tabs in the navigation bar and enables the feature of bookmarks. In addition, there are several hundred extensions available for Konqueror, such as Google Toolbar and Firefox Search Bar. Therefore, the Konqueror Browser is a good alternative to Firefox.

Konqueror Browser
Konqueror Browser

* File Manager — Konqueror has a comprehensive file manager that allows you to choose which files you want to manage and open immediately. This feature is useful for creating, storing, and synchronizing various files. Additionally, the built-in browser supports the Firefox file manager. The built-in browser also enables you to switch between several views, such as the Web browser, the address bar, and the built-in browser bar. There is a separate window for the URL bar and a separate window for the Title bar.

* Image viewer — The Konqueror browser has the Image Viewer plug-in which provides you an easy way to see your images in various sizes and in different positions. There is also a Flash feature that allows you to watch videos in Konqueror. The built-in image viewer displays thumbnails at the top of each page. You can switch between various views by clicking on the thumbnail. The view control lets you zoom in and out.

* Video player — The Video player in Konqueror is another plug-in that allows you to play videos on your web browser. This useful function allows you to view video clips on your Konqueror web browser. The built-in one-click play option controls playback. Other functions include skip, repeat, and stop.

* Mail client — Konqueror includes the Konqueror Mail client which enables you to access your email in the Konqueror browser. Using the built-in POP3/SMTP feature, you can check your email using the Konqueror Mail client. It also includes a Spam tool that allows you to scan your mails and remove messages that may be suspected of being spam. Firefox and IE have their own mail clients that you can use. Konqueror Mail client lacks the features of Firefox and IE, but it is still functional.

* File manager — Using Konqueror’s file manager allows you to browse your entire disk. It lets you open all the folders that exist on your computer and even those that are not attached to any application. The built-in ad blocker helps you block pop-up ads while navigating through your hard drive. Firefox and IE users can also use this feature to block ads. Konqueror also has an inbuilt ad blocker, but the file manager in Konqueror is much better.

* Firefox and IE support — Konqueror is compatible with Firefox and IE. This browser is free from any kind of bugs that usually plague freeware browser releases. Konqueror even supports Internet Explorer on Windows Vista. This feature is available in the free version only. However, the paid version has comprehensive support for Firefox and IE.

* Multiple windows — The multiple windows feature of Konqueror is a huge advantage over other browsers. Firebug, the popular open-source project management tool, offers a feature called tiling which allows multiple windows to open in a sidebar. This is not available in Konqueror. You can open multiple tabs in Konqueror to browse your files or open multiple browser windows. With Firefox and IE, you can open a new tab in one window and navigate in another.

* Well-designed interface and useful features — A well-designed interface and useful features like password manager are very important for a browsing tool. Firefox and IE have both excellent user interfaces and many interesting features. Konqueror has none of these and is quite unique in its approach.

* Amazing built-in features — A Konqueror browser looks much more professional and stylish than most other browsers. You can customize it with different skins and themes. There are many features that are not present in other browsers and this makes Konqueror stand out. For instance, you can integrate Google Reader into Konqueror which makes it even more attractive.

