Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
5 min readAug 23, 2018


Telos Network — Weekly Report — August 23, 2018

Building Momentum

(Update: the Community Rewards and Founders Rewards Pools mentioned in this report are now closed.)

Last week felt like the week that the Telos Network had chugged its way to the top of the roller coaster. There was a moment of relief and anticipation, and now, this week, our cars are starting the wild, hurtling ride. At first it was scary — we encountered a problem that shut down the testnet just as we were beginning to switch over to Stage 2. But the ride is smoothing out as we’re picking up speed. Testnet Stage 2 is now launched and activated and both inverse-weighted voting and rotating BPs are in production. You can watch them hum along with the new Telos monitor.

Three EOS tools either announced, or implemented support for Telos this week. Scatter, Telos Lynx wallet with in-wallet DEX, and Oraclize are all now supporting us. We made progress on our rewards programs and governance as the regproducer() human-language contract text has been released for public discussion. It feels like we’re racing forward. Who knows what twists and turns will be next? But it’s turning out to be an exciting ride!

  • Douglas Horn

Here’s what we’ve accomplished this week:

1. Community Rewards Pool Plan Adopted

2. Scatter tool supports Telos Network

3. Oraclize supports Telos Network

4. Telos Lynx wallet and exchange announces support

5. GenerEOS “State of EOS — Sidechains” video

6. Telos white paper updated to Draft 1.2

7. Founders Rewards Pool tracking app in final testing

8. Testnet Stage 2 launches and activates

9. Telos monitor page is enhanced for new features

10. Regproducer() human-language contract text released

1. Community Rewards Pool Plan Adopted

On Tuesday, August 21st, the Telos Contributors Group voted unanimously to accept the form of the distribution proposal for the Telos Community Rewards Pool — a fund of 1 million TLOS reserved for rewarding community members for spreading the word about Telos through videos, articles, social media, and meetups. The plan lays out clear rules and criteria for what various platform actions are worth, how to sign up and submit claims, and more. As agreed in the vote, the final terms and numbers are being reviewed as the new web portal for the program is being deployed. It will be available from the website within the next few days. Stay tuned for announcement!

2. Scatter tool supports Telos Network

Scatter, the leading multi-blockchain access tool for EOS announced that they added support for the Telos Network. We provided network access support and together, Telos and Scatter issued a joint press release describing the milestone. This is a big step for Telos as it means that the network can now be accessed by one of the leading EOS/Telos tools. It’s also a big moment for Scatter because they set the tone in releasing the first ever multi-chain EOSIO account access tool. More at:

3. Oraclize supports Telos Network

Oraclize is an oracle that provides crucial access to off-chain resources. Oraclize has been an important element of many smart contracts on Ethereum, where it first deployed. This week, Oraclize announced that it would begin offering its important service on EOS and Telos very soon. They are on our testnet and the EOS Jungle testnet preparing for their launch. More at:

4. Telos Lynx wallet and exchange announces support

On Weds, August 22nd in Santa Monica, CA, Lynx wallet had their launch party where they showed off the exciting features of the new EOS Lynx wallet with a built-in decentralized exchange. Lynx is also fully supporting Telos with Telos Lynx wallet. The wallets are launching in the next few days on the Apple and Google Play stores for mobile and on Lynx’s site for desktop. It’s a gorgeous app that is going to help make centralized exchanges obsolete. More at:

5. GenerEOS releases “State of EOS — Sidechains” video

On Sunday, August 19th, GenerEOS released a new video that was a discussion featuring EOS rock star Thomas Cox, Telos white paper author Douglas Horn, along with Worbli CEO Dominic Thomas and Alex Green of CreatOS, hosted by GenerEOS’s Nathan Rempel. The 72-minute video features in-depth discussions about the EOS sister chains. It has received a great response and new people are learning a lot about Telos from it.

Watch it at:

6. Telos white paper updated to Draft 1.2

The Telos white paper was updated this week to draft 1.2 in order to keep track of new changes that have emerged in the plan due to voted changes or new governance documents under consideration. Download it at:

7. Founders Rewards Pool tracking app in final testing

Rob Konsdorf of EOS Detroit is putting the finishing touches on the work tracking app for the Telos “pie slicing” Founders Rewards Pool distribution. This is shaping up to be a great tool. It is not currently on-chain, but we are planning to implement on the chain as soon as possible. This is not only a great aid to the Telos launch project, but it may become a really valuable tool for large decentralized projects in the future. The system may help worker proposal grant winners stick with their plans and fairly pay all their contributors. We hope to grow this tool and present our findings after the Telos launch.

8. Testnet Stage 2 launches and activates

Déjà vu? No, we really did say that we were in the process of launching testnet stage 2 in last week’s Telos Weekly Report. A snag emerged and the process of preparing to take down the network for the upgrade set off a long delay where blocks couldn’t be produced. The network management team ultimately got the system under control again and are exploring the various logs to determine why this happened.

Now the testnet has moved on to Stage 2. The previous stages created over 4 million blocks! We’re letting those go to further test BP rotation and inverse-weighted voting in a fresh-launch environment.

9. Telos monitor page is enhanced for new features

If you think the Telos testnet monitor page looks a bit different next time you look at it, you’re right. The next update of the monitor is out with subtle new features. The Testnet Status button has a red or green light to instantly show overall state. There is also a voting progress bar. But most exciting are the tools about rotation schedules. The site lets you watch when this happens. It also indicates when a standby BP is acting as a BP.

Check it out:

10. Regproducer human-language contract text released

Probably the Telos Network’s second most important contract, after the Telos Network Operating Agreement, is the Regproducer contract which lays out the rules and representations that a BP must agree to in order to nominate themselves as block producer candidates. While the EOS version lists duties and prohibited actions in a general way, the Telos version clearly lays out prohibited actions, clear penalties for each of those actions, method of adjudication and penalizing BPs accused of violations, and the obligation of all other block producers to render a verdict or face penalties.

Read the full text at:



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