Telos Network — Weekly Report — July 26, 2018

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog


Newton’s First Law is, objects at rest tend to stay at rest; objects in motion tend to stay in motion. What’s true in physics is true in projects: Creating something new takes a lot of energy to put into motion, but once things are humming along the project becomes a force unto itself. In this, the second week since announcement, the Telos project has gained enormous momentum and is only picking up speed. By every measure, Telos has accelerated its progress this week. Membership and participation in the Telos Launch Group has once again doubled in a week. Social media channels are exploding in both number and membership. New pull requests are accumulating in our Github repository. Most importantly, the community is coming together around the idea of Telos as an increasingly legitimate sister-blockchain to EOS and a valuable new asset in the EOSIO ecosystem.

  • Douglas Horn

Here’s what we’ve accomplished this week:

1. Advanced the Telos Testnet to Stage 1.1

2. Released the Grow tool

3. Released all new ClaimRewards action

4. Elected leadership for Working Groups

5. Began Exchange and DApps Outreach

6. Discussed transparency on Contributor Rewards and TF voting

7. Launched initial TFRP tracking system

8. Extended reach with multiple translations

9. Initiated Social Media and Marketing plans

1. Advanced the Telos Testnet to Stage 1.1

The Telos Testnet Stage 1 onboarded over 40 nodes from at least 15 countries. It achieved all of its goals and has been replaced with Stage 1.1 in order to test additional functionality prior to Stage 2. New goals for Stage 1.1 are:

· Improve and test new ClaimRewards action

· Deploy and test new Inverse Weighted Voting action

· Change keosd name and test to resolve conflicts

· Deploy and test new RotateBPs action

Stage 2 is on hold due to the current EOSIO “blacklist bug” ( We anticipate that a new update (v 1.1.2) is due soon and we have decided to maximize our time by extending Stage 1 into 1.1 and merging to EOSIO 1.1.2 when available. Planned Stage 2 goals are:

· Merge EOSIO 1.1.2

· Deploy and test new EnforceBPMins action

· Deploy and test new ABP Voting contract

· Deploy and test new Arbitration contract

· Perform unit tests

2. Released the Grow tool

Grow is a Telos development tool that allows quick deployment of genesis nodes, or private testing clusters. Grow affords users more convenient shorthand commands for locking and unlock wallets, creating staked accounts on a network, or generating key pairs for later use. More information is available on our Github repository:

3. Released all new ClaimRewards action

The Code Generation Working Group has performed two iterations of a major rewrite of the ClaimRewards action which delivers BP rewards and Worker Proposal Fund contribution. Due to Telos’ revised approach to paying BPs, this is a complete revision of major parts of the code. Testnet Stage 1 deployed and tested a version of this which has been improved in Stage 1.1, currently underway.

4. Elected leadership for Working Groups

All working groups have elected chairs or co-chairs, scheduled weekly working group calls, and initiated a Kanban board. Groups are beginning work on their WG roadmap which will be combined into a project roadmap in order to facilitate announcing an official network launch date soon.

5. Began Exchange and DApps Outreach

The Exchange Outreach and DApps and Tools Outreach working groups have begun operations by identifying and prioritizing lists of prospects. Exchange outreach has nine members and has identified 50 initial high priority exchanges and online wallets. The introduction/procedure letter for these has been refined and finalized and the first several connections have been initiated. DApps has 12 members and 25 DApps and tool developers currently in various stages of discussion.

6. Discussed transparency on Contributor Rewards and TF voting

The TLG has offered three TIPs (Telos Improvement Proposals) surrounding the overwhelming vote on TIP 1 to revise the Founders Rewards system into a common pool of 6M TLOS for a broad group of contributors.

TIP 1A sought to define the exact method of the Telos Founders Reward Pool (TFRP) distribution. This still requires a vote (scheduled for Tues July 31) but the current consensus is to follow Method A proposed by EOS Detroit, which is to use a modified form of the Bitshares ‘slices’ methodology, which is an existing and tested approach. Careful weekly tracking will be required in tracking every contributor weekly and new project management tools (e.g. Jira or Basecamp) are being adopted to aid this.

TIP 1B sought to determine details around the Telos Community Rewards Pool (TCRP), a bounty-type program for those outside the TLG who wish to contribute to Telos through social media and video advocacy. Total amounts discussed on the weekly call were between 600,000 and 1 million TLOS. Discussion continues about amount and division into sub-groups by social media platform. A vote is expected on July 31.

TIP 3 (TIP 2 is pending) sought to eliminate secrecy around the votership of the Telos Foundation Voting Tokens. Previously, voter identities and votes were to be secret in order to separate voters from political backlash against their block producer in voting. It became clear that this was against the Telos core ethic of transparency. TIP 3 proposes that all TFVT holders be publicly named and either keep the option for secret ballots by not associating names with voting addresses, or seek full transparency in both voter name and voting. TIP 3 also proposes a method for distributing TFVTs. A vote is possible on July 31.

7. Launched initial TFRP tracking system

To kick off the tracking of contributions by TLG members towards TFRP rewards, a tracking system has been initiated. This system involves highly granular, weekly tracking of all TLG members and their work.

8. Extended reach with multiple translations

The Translations Working Group has implemented a system of initiating, tracking, and deploying translations of important TLG documents. The current languages being supported are English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (simplified). Additional languages such as Hindi are under exploration.

9. Initiated Social Media and Marketing plans

The TLG has an active social media outreach. An overall marketing plan is underway to offer a more comprehensive and strategic, less reaction-based approach to market penetration. This week also saw the launch of the Telos subreddit: r/TelosNetwork

New news on 7/26/18!

Lumeos, one of the most highly anticipated DApps in Silicon Valley, has started talking with the Telos Launch Group about exploring the possibilities of deploying on the Telos Blockchain. This is great news for the Telos network and developers! Read more about it in the Telos Foundation Medium article:

Current contributors to the Telos network include:

Telos Launch Group members

Beyond Bitcoin Hangouts, CalEOS, EOS Barcelona, EOS Detroit, EOS Green, Eos in Space, EOS Metal, EOS Miami, EOS Sweden (swedencornet), EOS the World, EOS UK, EOS Van,, Infinity Bloc, (Dutch EOS), Hellenic Open Systems

Telos Launch Group participants

Alejandro Pacheco, Jerry Huff , Shaheen Counts, Jon McGuffin, CryptoMooner, Duane Phillipi, Trenton Bullock, Fieldy Young, genereos1, Jen Morrow, Kloud Wing, Eon Ha, LIang Suilong, Maurice Stephens, L Asher Corson, Mikel, Andrew U, Raj, Sean Xa, Telos Canton, Ovidiu Craciun

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Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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