Telos Network — Weekly Report — September 20, 2018

Checking the Boxes

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
6 min readSep 20, 2018


Telos will launch only when we’ve delivered on all of our promises — not before. This checklist approach to a launch is fundamentally different than a countdown approach. It’s crucial to include every piece of this complex system if we want it to work as we hope. Time passes on its own, but it takes a lot of work to complete a task. So our focus of late is to put checkmarks in the boxes.

This has been a great week for that, especially because we now have checked a box that we didn’t even have — but probably should have. DEXEOS has announced that it will list the Telos TLOS token as a trading pair with EOS at or soon after launch. They are implementing testing now between the Telos testnet and the EOS Jungle testnet. This is a very exciting moment for all of us on the project because it means there will be a market for the TLOS tokens we are creating. Giving real value to TLOS: Check!

We’ve also added new tools like a full block explorer from Telos Madrid, monitoring tools from AlohaEOS and Infinitybloc, a greatly expanded knowledge base Wiki from Telos the World/Big Iron BP, BlindBlocArt, and Telos Vancouver. A lot of this effort grew out of the learnings from a painful week on the testnet last week. Learning from our troubles: Check!

Development hit a lot of milestones this week as the development teams from GoodBlock, Amplified Telos, and EOS Miami built out and tested new functions and merged these with recent updates from BlockOne.

The first Go/No-Go vote on launching the Telos Mainnet will be on Sept. 28th. We will spend the next week filling in new check marks on the list ( Are we excited, nervous, a little frantic? Check!

— Douglas Horn

Here’s what we’ve accomplished this week:

  1. DEXEOS will be the first exchange to list TLOS
  2. Testnet stage 2.1 mega-merge update
  3. Telos-EOS Lost and Compromised Account Key-swap Process
  4. Telos knowledge base wiki expanded
  5. New bootstrap server
  6. Two new monitoring tools: PULSE and AlohaEOS BP Benchmarks
  7. New Telos block explorer/monitor

Checklist Updates at a Glance

In-Progress → Functional/In Testing

  • At least 40 BP Candidates
  • Lost tokens processed

Functional/In Testing → Complete & Tested

  • Removal of non-producers
  • Block Explorer
  • Wallet App

1. DEXEOS will be the first exchange to list TLOS

We are proud to announce that DEXEOS is the first Exchange that has agreed to list the TLOS/EOS trading pair. Tests will be done connecting the TLOS testnet and Jungle testnet to assess their integration before launch. TLOS will be traded on the EOS mainnet and traders will be able to withdraw TLOS to their Telos mainnet accounts.

DEXEOS is the ideal exchange for the Telos Blockchain Network launch because they are well known in the EOSIO community and they actively support selling newly issued tokens. The exchange also features fast trading based on EOS TPS, enables trading and air drops with your own EOS account, and does not require Know Your Customer processes.

Learn more about DEXEOS here:

2. Testnet stage 2.1 mega-merge update

As we mentioned in the previous Weekly Report, last week was an extremely challenging one on the Telos testnet. This week has been extremely smooth in comparison as the new operational processes we applied from those painful lessons have kicked in and improved the network overall. Thank goodness for testnets!

The Telos codebase received a large number of new code feature merges this week. The ‘stage2.1’ tag is now available on Github. These new merges includes the first draft of the ‘ratify.amend’ contract, changes to the ‘eosio.system’ contract that track missed blocks which empowers the removal of underperforming BPs, the daily claimrewards call which is now being tested for automation, and the eosio 1.2.6 upstream merge. The new claimrewards process automatically takes a snapshot of all block producers and standbys and aims to distribute payments within a 5 hour window.

Shortly after the merges were complete on Tuesday, BlockOne released an update to eosio 1.3.0. At press time, we are in the process of upstream merging 1.3.0.

3. Telos-EOS Lost and Compromised Account Key-swap Process

Many EOS token-holders listed on the EOS genesis snapshot encountered problems with their tokens that leave their accounts, as listed on the EOS genesis snapshot, outside of their immediate control due to lost or compromised account keys. In order to ensure that the original token holders are able to access their Telos accounts, we have created a process and portal for replacing lost and compromised keys. The process is based on processes employed on the EOS blockchain for similar problems. Because Telos will be able to replace keys prior to launching the network, there is the opportunity to help every token-holder in this position. EOS token owners will be able to validate their account ownership through a cryptographically verified re-keying process. EOS token holders who were impacted by the Newdex hack will still receive the accurate number of TLOS tokens upon launch because airdrop distribution will be based on the June 1 EOS genesis snapshot.

The Telos lost and compromised account key-swap portal is live at:

Read the full guide here:

4. Telos knowledge base wiki expanded

Telos hosts a knowledgebase Wiki with information about the chain. It was started by Jerry Huff (BlindBlocArt) and was updated this week with two important new sections that grew out of the troubles the testnet had last week. The Telos Block Producer Guide provides best practices around the setup and configuration of a Telos block producing node for system administrators. The document was written by Mark Cohen (Telos Vancouver). Jerry Huff also provided additional updates and J.T. Buice (Telos the World/Big Iron BP) provided a section on speeding up synching a node by a day with a bootstrap file.

Read these documents on the Telos Knowledgebase Wiki:

5. New bootstrap server

Setting up a node on the Telos blockchain is fairly straightforward (especially with those great guides on the wiki!) but synching a node to the Telos testnet takes hours — often over 24 hours in fact. To address this, J.T. Buice (Telos the World/Big Iron BP) has created a bootstrap system to accelerate the process of getting a Telos node synced on the Telos Testnet. What has taken some teams 24 hours to sync chain from scratch can now be done in an hour for both Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04, a processing speed that is not currently available on EOS. This is intended to aid initial synching to the network. All BPs are advised to create their own local backups every 6 hours and preserve at least the two most recent copies, which will sync seamlessly on their own systems.

Access the bootstrap system here:

6. Two new monitoring tools: PULSE and AlohaEOS BP Benchmarks

There are more ways to look at the Telos testnet now (and mainnet once it launches).

PULSE (originally called Beat) will be a public metrics and logging system that monitors testing and use for block producers on the Telos Blockchain Network (TBN). Dmitri C. (Infinitybloc) is leading its development. Whether you’re a block producer or a token holder, everyone will have access to block production data visualizations in one central location. You’ll be able to monitor what type of transactions are happening on the TBN, the location of a block producer, and much more.

Aloha EOS has an excellent public visualizer for EOS BP benchmarking that is a great service to the EOS community. This week, they added support for the Telos testnet as well, so you can get a whole new view of BP performance.

Aloha EOS BP Benchmark Tool:

PULSE access instructions:

7. New Telos block explorer/monitor

Telos Madrid has created the first full Block Explorer for the Telos testnet. Telos Tracker is a full-featured monitor and block explorer with detail at the block, transaction, and account level. The previous Telos testnet monitor is down at the moment in preparation for a new version which is being developed by Amplified Telos, which should be released within a few days.

Check out Telos Tracker at:

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Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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