The First Nominations for the Telos Foundation Board of Directors

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
3 min readSep 28, 2018

By Douglas Horn, GoodBlock

The Telos Foundation is an apolitical promotional body for the Telos Blockchain Network. It is endowed with 6 million TLOS tokens at launch to contribute to its mission of supporting the network in the following ways:

  • Provide grants that will bootstrap important network functions, and encourage development and other network aims that may not be easily or expeditiously approved by worker proposal system voting through grants
  • Fund the first 1 million new Telos accounts so that they are free for new users to create
  • Promote the network through advertising, social media, outreach and related methods
  • Discourage excessive RAM speculation through the use of a published guidance price

Governance of the Telos Foundation is voted on by Telos Foundation Voting Token holders as described here:

The Telos Foundation will first elect 12 executive board members. To expedite this election, it is important to have strong candidates stand for election prior to network launch. Board members may be nominated by anyone in the Telos Contributors Group and do not need to be members of that group or TFVT holders in order to serve. In fact, it is preferred if there are some outside directors. We seek these nominations.

Any board member nominations may be made by emailing

As early members of the Telos Contributors Group, we from GoodBlock wish to nominate the following people as candidates for the position of Telos Foundation Executive Board Members.

Nominee: Jerry Huff, BlindBlocArt

Nominated by Ed Silva, GoodBlock

Jerry was one of the earliest members of the Telos Contributors Group and has put countless hours into establishing and maintaining the Telos testnet. He also initiated the Telos Knowledgebase Wiki, solved critical system issues, and onboarded block producers into the Telos system.

Nominee: Rob Konsdorf, EOS Detroit

Nominated by James Davis, GoodBlock

Rob has been a clear voice for good governance and moral, ethical behavior on Telos and EOS. He contributed ideas and feedback for the Telos white paper prior to publication. As a participant in multiple EOSIO projects, he has strong relationships throughout the EOSIO world. Rob developed the system and software for fairly and equitably tracking contributions towards the Telos Founders Rewards Pool, and he was among the very first public members of the Telos Contributors Group.

Nominee: Chen Li, Telos Vancouver

Nominated by Beth Farnham, GoodBlock

Chen Li was one of the original members of the Telos Contributors Group. He has put in countless hours of outreach to Chinese exchanges, DApps, and users and has performed many of the Chinese document translations. Chen has also contributed to the development working group. His outreach to the Chinese community is of enormous value to the network.

Nominee: Josep Rosich, EOS Barcelona

Nominated by Douglas Horn, GoodBlock

An original public member of the Telos Contributors Group, who offered important feedback and ideas for the Telos white paper before it was published, Josep has worked tirelessly towards the success of Telos. Josep arranged for the first exchange that listed TLOS tokens and he continues constant efforts towards onboarding more exchanges, developers, block producers, and users.

Nominee: Marlon Williams, EOS Miami

Nominated by Peter Bue, GoodBlock

Marlon was the first contributor to the development working group outside of the initial GoodBlock development team. His work with developers at Block.One, Greymass and Scatter has promoted multichain wallet access and discussions of how non-EOS chains will be handled in the EOSIO codebase. He has also been an important contributor towards both technical and social outreach for Telos.



Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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