Temboo Interviewed About Preserving Historic Buildings on Future of Living Podcast

2 min readMay 2, 2019


Sarah McMillian from Temboo’s Product Outreach team was interviewed recently for the Future of Living Podcast, hosted by Blake Miller.

Sarah spoke with Blake about preserving and modernizing historical buildings using connected technologies like IoT. You can listen to the interview below or on Apple Music or Google Play.

<iframe style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/9611297/height/100/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/backward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/008cb3/” height=”100" width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”” webkitallowfullscreen=”” mozallowfullscreen=”” oallowfullscreen=”” msallowfullscreen=””></iframe>

From the podcast’s website:

Sarah McMillian believes historical buildings hold vast amounts of valuable cultural currency. They tell a story not only of the people that built the building but also of the community in which they lived and what they valued. And so preserving historical buildings, in her view, is valuable to our culture and our community. Additionally, and equally important, preserving buildings is more sustainable than building new and has a positive environmental impact. New construction requires quite a bit of fossil fuel energy and releases a great amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

As Business Development Lead at Temboo, an industrial Internet of Things (IoT) software startup based in New York City, Sarah helps real estate developers and other businesses make their products, processes, and facilities smart. Sarah has helped a diverse group of companies across the globe find customers for their innovative products and services. Her first job out of MIT was Marketing & Sales Lead for an India-based startup where she launched the country’s first biodegradable sanitary pad brand. She later joined the eCommerce unicorn, Jet.com, where she grew sales of a multi-million dollar business unit. Sarah has written for TechCrunch and other publications about how to build a more sustainable, equitable future, and lives by the motto “leave a place better than you found it.”

In this conversation, Sarah and Blake discuss:

  • The importance of interoperability not only in historical buildings but also in new buildings.
  • Practical and economic ways Real Estate Professionals can connect their historical buildings and create interoperability.
  • Why Real Estate Developers should preserve old buildings instead of building new.

Learn more about Temboo at temboo.com.




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