Hello 2024

It’s me, the girl who usually hides behind words….

That Ordinary Girl In Lagos
3 min readJan 22, 2024
Photo by Ricardo Loaiza on Unsplash

Hey, 2024!

Okay, maybe I’m a bit late to the party, but hear me out.

This isn’t a typical “New Year, New Me” blog post. No, darling, this is something far more vulnerable, something that requires both a cup of chilled Zobo and a whole lot of honesty.

This is me, staring down the barrel of 2024, heart pounding in my chest, and finally finding the courage to say: I have been hiding!

This post is a leap of faith. A confession. A shedding of the comfortable shell I’ve spun myself in for far too long.

A Year in Solitude

Last year was quiet, maybe a little too quiet!

I kinda became a hermit crab, living in my own little shell. It wasn’t all bad, the quiet had its moments. But then this nagging feeling started whispering, reminding me of how much I miss people. The warmth of their laughter, the secrets shared, the whole shebang. I realized I needed to step out of my comfort zone and say hello to the world again.

Welcoming 2024 with Open Arms.

For everyone, the year has started already. Oh well, it has started for me too but hey, it’s better late than never.

So, this year, I’m choosing to welcome 2024 with open arms. With a heart dusted off and a smile ready to bloom. I’m prioritizing the people who matter, the ones who bring threads of light into my life. No more hiding behind the excuse of “being busy” or the self-sabotaging comfort of being alone. I’m carving out time for meaningful conversations, for shared meals and laughter, and for building bridges instead of walls

Prioritizing Relationships.

For me, friendship/relationship is a lot deeper than it is for everyone. In 2023, I didn’t make a lot of connections because I was in my head a little too much.

This year, I’m saying yes to awkward lunch dates, random video and voice calls (this is going to be a tad bit difficult), messy conversations, and letting my true self peek through the cracks. I’m reaching out, offering a hand, and hoping someone will take it. I am making more time to engage in meaningful conversations, attend gatherings, and create lasting memories together, while still maintaining boundaries and protecting my space.

Balancing Work and Personal Life.

Work won’t be the only thing that gets my time anymore. This year, I’m making room for the things that make my soul sing. Whether it’s losing myself in a good book or movie, feeling the sun on my face during a walk, or simply sitting in silence and listening to my own thoughts, I’m permitting myself to just be.

Stepping out of My Comfort Zone.

Sure, it’s scary leaving my comfort zone, but I’m up for the challenge. I’ll try new things, conquer fears (even the tiny ones), and celebrate every victory, no matter how small. And when it gets overwhelming, I’ll take a deep breath and remember to be present.

Embracing Mindfulness.

And through it all, mindfulness will be my compass. It’ll guide me through the whirlwind, remind me to breathe deeply when the clouds roll in, and help me savor the sunshine moments, big and small.

So, raise a glass with me, dear reader. Let’s toast to messy friendships, spontaneous laughter, and the courage to embrace the beautiful, messy complexity of human connection. Here’s to the year we finally stopped waiting and started living.

PS: Let’s share our stories in the comments below. What are you prioritizing in 2024? What are your hopes, your fears, your dreams? Let’s build a community of vulnerability and connection, one blog post at a time.

Temitope is a mental health enthusiast, a fashion lover and a storyteller who thinks all stories are worth telling. She loves to inspire people to do what they love, follow their passions, tell their stories, and live in the moment. Connect with me on Instagram, and Twitter.

