Stepping Out, But At What Cost?

Rethinking the Comfort Zone Obsession

That Ordinary Girl In Lagos
4 min readMar 4, 2024
Photo by avechenri on Unsplash

There’s a pervasive idea that growth and progress are only found beyond our comfort zones. We’re bombarded with messages urging us to “push our limits” and “step outside our comfort zone” as if comfort itself is some sort of enemy to success.

Don’t get me wrong, I get it, but I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at the often forceful way this message is delivered.

The world seems obsessed with the phrase “get out of your comfort zone.” It’s in self-help books, motivational speeches, and even well-meaning advice from friends. While the intention is often positive — growth, self-discovery, and all that jazz — I sometimes wonder if we’ve gotten a little too comfortable with forcefully pushing people out of their comfort zone and forgetting the human cost of forceful “comfort zone eviction”

Take me, for instance. My home is my sanctuary. It’s where I feel safe, both literally and figuratively. Yet, I’ve had countless friends urge me to “get out more,” attend more events, and generally be more “social.”. While I appreciate their concern, their idea of “living my best life” often involves activities that leave me feeling drained and anxious and are beginning to make me resentful.

Their intentions are pure, no doubt, but they fail to grasp the very real need for introverts to recharge in their own space. Pushing me out might get me “out there,” but it disregards the very essence of who I am.

The pressure extends beyond my social life. My wardrobe consists mainly of jeans and T-shirts. They’re comfortable, practical, and frankly, they just feel like me. However, I’ve received unsolicited advice about “dressing up” and “experimenting with style.” from well-meaning individuals who deem my clothing choices “not stylish enough.” Their comments, while seemingly harmless, chip away at my confidence and make me question my own sense of self.

The problem with the “comfort zone” narrative is that it often ignores the very real reasons why we find solace in certain routines and choices. Maybe, like me, you find comfort in the familiar because it allows you to navigate a world that can feel overwhelming at times. Perhaps your comfort zone reflects your authentic self, even if it doesn’t match societal expectations.

What bothers me most is the underlying assumption that growth can only occur outside our comfort zones. This narrative fails to acknowledge the immense value of self-awareness and respecting personal boundaries.

Here’s the thing: stepping outside our comfort zone can be valuable. It can expose us to new experiences, broaden our horizons, and help us overcome personal limitations. But hey, growth can also bloom in the most unexpected places, even within the confines of our comfort zones and we shouldn’t dismiss this.

I am a firm believer that growth can happen within our comfort zones too. We can constantly learn, explore, and challenge ourselves from the safety and security of our familiar surroundings. We can read new books, take online courses, or even engage in introspective self-reflection — all without sacrificing the comfort that fuels our well-being.

Instead of forceful eviction, perhaps a gentler approach is needed. Encouragement, not pressure. Openness to understanding individual needs, not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead of urging someone to attend a crowded party, maybe ask why they hesitate. Instead of criticizing their clothing choices, inquire about the reasons behind their preferences.

So, the next time you feel the urge to push someone out of their comfort zone, take a step back. Ask yourself if they’re genuinely ready to take that leap, or if you’re simply projecting your own desires onto them.

Let’s celebrate the comfort zone as a foundation, a safe space from which we can choose to venture out, not a cage from which we must be freed. Let’s create a world where stepping outside is a choice, not a forced march, and where comfort is not seen as an enemy.

Ultimately, growth is a personal journey, not a one-size-fits-all prescription. Let’s celebrate individuality and empower individuals to define their own comfort zones and push their boundaries on their own terms. After all, true growth blossoms from within, not from external pressure.

Yours in figuring life out, That Ordinary Girl. ✌🏽

Temitope is a mental health enthusiast, a fashion lover and a storyteller who thinks all stories are worth telling. She loves to inspire people to do what they love, follow their passions, tell their stories, and live in the moment. Connect with me on Instagram, and Twitter.

