How to Interact with People — The Act of Relationships

Elizabeth Adigun
2 min readJan 14, 2023


Interacting with people was a very difficult thing for me growing up. In highschool, I always preferred to stay alone most times. I could not confront people, I was never confident.

Ever felt like your words could swallow you if you utter them? That was how it was for me. I finally decided to try but the first time I got disappointed. I always felt left out even when I eventually made friends in highschool.

I didn’t give up and continued trying till I mastered the art of relating with people. Relating with people is easy and I will tell you why and how.

You just have to start an honest conversation and understand a person’s body language and reactions to everything you say. If a person is not interested in a conversation, you shouldn’t force it. That’s one thing I learnt the hard way.

Relating with people is two sides of a coin, you either get a response or nothing at all. When interacting with people, you must always be confident. The moment you are not confident in your interaction, you find it challenging to communicate your intention.

In my personal interactive-growth, I’ve gotten amazing insights about how to relate with people by making friends. I have a friend that influenced me positively when it comes to mastering the act of relating with people. She boosted my confidence by having honest conversations with me. I always thought she was making me feel weird not until I grasped and understood what she meant.

Are you having a hard time making friends or relating with people? You can start somewhere today. Be confident, be you, be honest!



Elizabeth Adigun

I write ✍️ to document my learning and growth experiences