The Ugly Girl Syndrome


The first time I heard the phrase “ugly girl syndrome” was from my aunt who lived in the same city as us. She was advising a female friend of hers who was in a relationship and seemed to be changing everything in her life to please her boyfriend and yet she couldn't please him because there was always something else to change. 10 years later, I am reading a business book and I remember the phrase again.

“The “ugly girl syndrome” is not just limited to women being judged based on their physical appearance, it also extends to individuals altering their interests, passions, or even their entire lifestyles to fit in or please others. This phenomenon can be seen in many areas of life, including the business world.

Just like how a woman may change her appearance to please her partner, individuals may also start a business just because others are starting businesses, without truly having a passion or drive for it. This can lead to a lack of authenticity and ultimately, a lack of success.

Starting a business is a major life decision and should be based on one’s own interests, passions, and strengths. Starting a business just because others are doing it, is like cutting your hair to please your partner. It may make them happy, but it doesn’t necessarily make you happy. In the same way starting a business that you have no interest in, just to fit in or please others, will not lead to long-term success.

It’s important to remember that starting a business is a big commitment and should not be taken lightly. It requires a lot of time, energy, and resources. It’s important to have a clear vision and a plan for success. Starting a business for the wrong reasons can lead to disappointment and even failure.

In conclusion, the “ugly girl syndrome” is not just limited to physical appearance, it also extends to individuals altering their interests, passions, or even their entire lifestyles to fit in or please others. This phenomenon can be seen in many areas of life, including the business world. Starting a business just because others are doing it is not a good idea, it’s important to have a clear vision and a plan for success, starting a business based on one’s own interests, passions, and strengths is the key to long-term success.

