Vivziepop: A Story of Caution.

11 min readOct 17, 2023


DISCLAIMER: This article was written as only speculation as all that is included here has yet to be confirmed. So with that said, please take this all with a grain of salt. Including my blog, my document on Vivziepop and her fandom, and Youtube channel on similar subject matter.

Thank you.

When it comes to Vivziepop, there’s only one word that I can think that summarizes my feelings about that of her behavior.

That being: “Caution.”

Caution, as there have now been many times where much of what you hear online is handled by her stans, rather than that of reliable sources.

So with that said, as a short deconstruction of the situation:

1. Vivziepop and her past.

Vivziepop is someone that, though has likely changed to a degree, still has yet to directly addresse her past. At least, not in the way that expresses genuine honesty with her current and past behavior.

Case and Point?

The Blaire White Situation.

As here, you can see that Vivziepop called blackface “A important discussion, I don’t cater to you/I will support Blaire White anyway.” rather than blackface and nonbinaryphobic creators being the kind of people/behavior that shouldn’t be supported to begin with. This, in summary, is something that doesn’t just sugarcoat blackface as a concept by simply calling it a “discussion”: It outright is an attempt to excuse supporting people that have such behavior.

Vivziepop herself claims that she did this to “view from different sides.”

Not to say that she beleives in this now, but it is concerning that she would call blackface, as a concept, a “discussion” that somehow should be “allowed” to exist or that she should “be allowed to support creators that do blackface and are transphobic because “I don’t cater to u!”

When as a black life myself (and a supporter of #blacklivesmatter who has experinced the hatred of the Vivziepop fandom face to face on multiple occasions), I will assure you that blackface is in fact something that should have never existed in the first place.

It’s not “catering” to people to not support creators that do bigoted things. This is simple logic, yet for some reason Vivziepop couldn’t fathom the thought of not supporting someone such as Blaire White despite Blaire’s intentions being obvious from the get-go.

Blaire White had bias towards the nonbinary community. Heavy bias.

Yet still, Vivziepop continued to support her up until she was called out.

Where she proceeded to then state that she “didn’t know about Blaire White’s behavior/didn’t condone/support the creator/her behavior at the time I didn’t know that she was transphobic on Twitter until recently!” despite having acted so defensively towards Blaire White back in the 2010s to the level that she stated that she wanted to support her (hence the “I dont cater to you.” as in “Im going to support her/draw fanart of her anyway.”) despite the evidence of Blaire’s behavior being right in front of her at the time not “recently” but at the time near when she drew fanart of Blaire White and had blatantly defended having done so at the time when people told her that drawing fanart of Blaire White was wrong she said “I don’t cater to u!” despite the evidence of Blaire White’s behavior being right in front of her. Vivziepop herself even stating “I dont cater to u” in response to other creators telling her not to support creators who do blackface and have transphobic content such as Blaire White. The black community has endured so much and she had no right as a white passing woman to judge as to whether the black community deserves to be “catered” to or not when it comes to who she supported at the time. She had no right to judge as to whether supporting a creator who does blackface with a black face mask while referring to black lives matter and blatant transphobia is ok or not as a white passing cis woman. The only people who are to judge as to whether Blaire White should be supported or not is the black community and the trans community. Vivziepop is a part of neither of these groups, so for her to go “I can support who I want! I don’t cater to u!” is one of the worst responses she could have ever put in response to people’s concerns regarding Blaire White and her behavior.

So the fact that she claims here in current time that she “only drew Blaire White because I thought that she was pretty” when the response she puts here basically saying “I dont cater to u! I can support who I want it doesn’t matter if there’s blatant transphobia and racism! I can draw Blaire White fanart and support her whenver I like!” is something that once again, should still be brought up in discussions regarding Vivziepop as she tried to cover up what she had actually said within her “apology” by pretending as if she did this all “knowing nothing about Blaire White’s behavior on Twitter. I just knew about what she did now not back then!” when she said at the time actually being in summary:

“I don’t cater to u! Im going to support Blaire White anyway!” rather than what she claims that she said within her apology: “I wanted to view things from all sides. I didn’t know that Blaire was transphobic and racially offensive at the time I didn’t see any bad posts at the time.” (except she did, as shown above people did in fact link her posts showing Blaire White’s behavior at the time.) I just thought that she was pretty! I didn’t know that she was transphobic until now!” (2019) except she did know at the time (between 2015 to 16.) yet decided to “not cater to “U” (the black and trans community, aka people that told her that supporting Blaire White was wrong)/support Blaire White anyway.”) when people told her that drawing fanart of Blaire White was wrong.

This is also something Blaire attempted to cover up as “just a prank/facial mask bro” when the post as shown above directly references black lives matter and she even calls herself “Blaire Black” within the post to mock our skin color within the post along with people with they/them pronouns.

This being behavior that Blaire White is known for, as she tends to spread misinformation about the trans community and demonizes specific sides by only showing the negative aspects of them or outright insulting them for their existence as communities.

So in question: Do I beleive that Vivziepop still supports Blaire White?

This in itself, I am not sure of. As she hasn’t commented on this in years.

But there have been current screenshots of her behavior on discord that presents her as calling the nonbinary community “trenders” (similar to that of Blaire) in current time.

So though I am unsure of whether she still agrees with Blaire White:

Vivenne’s past is far from innocent and I do hope that she properly addresses her past and current behavior, with screenshot evidence, so that the situation can be dealt with professionally.

So Vivienne, how about you show people what you really said that year instead of hiding behind a “I didn’t know what Blaire White did! I just thought that she looked pretty. I didn’t know about the transphobia and racism!” when you clearly knew enough about Blaire White to defend her immediatly with a “I don’t cater to u!” when people asked “why”, why did you draw fanart of someone like Blaire when she was public about her transphobia on both Youtube and Twitter. How about you address your behavior, with screenshots, instead of leaving so much of your audience in the dark about your behavior? Because going “I don’t cater to u!” in response to people not wanting you to support blatant transphobia and racism certaintly wasn’t “looking at all sides.” Quite the opposite actually. In fact, most of what you did back then, and even now with how you treat Spindlehorse, you have yet to address directly.

For example, more information on Vivziepop’s past here: (She also currently supported Nicole.)

2. Vivziepop’s current behavior:

With Vivziepop, her current behavior is something that though has improved, still has it’s points of concern.

One of those points being how Vivziepop treats serious subject matter within her current content, as much of what she presents within her shows. Such as how her content fetishizes/makes fun of s/a:

Along with her treatment of poc within her works:

In fact, much of the current issues with her behavior can be summarized as:

  1. Her handling of adult subject matter.

2. Her handling of criticism.

3. Along with the behavior of her and her accociates as they also have presented unprofessional behavior as of current time: (Just a head’s up, I wrote the scripts at a time where I was suffering from a mental illness without medication at the time, so my writing at the time was highly emotional and would make claims that I no longer feel are confirmed but are in fact mostly alleged. Thank you.) (This contains visuals of transphobia. So proceed to this with caution.)

Example of a past Spindlehorse staff’s experinces with Vivziepop’s studio, Spindlehorse:

Another example showcased here:

3. Vivziepop’s Standom.

A standom, by personal definition, is the section of a fandom that contains members with extreme bias in their claims or worship of an idol. Vivziepop stans are the type to either look into an issue at face value or generalize everything as “Vivziepop is innocent!” without proper evidence.

As for example: Ayy Lmao.

A fan channel of Vivziepop who has made claims based on bias towards that of the disabled community with posts such as:

This not just being a blatant use of the slur “Schizo”, but Ayy is in no way in the right to judge what it means to be schizophrenic/mentally ill. These are actual mental disorders/disabilities that have caused real people serious harm. It does not make someone “stupid, obssessed” or “automatically delusional.” These are complicated disorders that Ayy is in no way in position of judgeing as Ayy themself is not a thearipist nor do they have any proof of being in any mental health profession of any kind.

Not just this, but Ayy Lmao has outright claimed that people who disagrees with them as “mentally ill”. (Yet another case of misinformation and ableism.) As when trying to “prove” that the problematic blogs that Vivziepop follows (remember them? are “average/innocent” blogs, Ayy Lmao refuses to go into the blogs themselves and instead outright claims that the person who wrote the post is “mentally ill” (once again, without any professional evidence and only done as a way to further bias by insulting/harassing those who say that Vivziepop should be held accountable for her actions) rather than to present any proof of innocense. This just being one out of many cases of Vivziepop stans presenting personal bias towards that of Vivziepop, at times even to the level of harassing those that disagree with them.

(The video also refuses to cover the names of those who’s posts are within the video, which does in fact make this count as harassment towards those involved. Once again, Ayy Lmao’s ableism is unforunately common.)

In case you’re wondering about what kind of people Nicole and Ralphielle || are, just to give you a hint…

(Go to the section that mentions the keyword (ctrl f): “Nicole.” within “Scripts For My Helluva Boss Videos”)

In case you’re wondering what this is saying. The post from someone Vivziepop follows (before the Twitter blog as a whole was deleted) says “Yeah and it’s a r^pe ship.” when commenting on people who were disturbed by the fact that some of the main creators of Addict ship Valentino with Angel Dust, his abuse victim, online with little to no sympathy for the representation of victims in doing so.

-and in case you’re wondering, yes, Vivziepop followed both of these blogs for years and has even presented behaviors of supporting Valangel (The “r^pe” ship) herself:

So yes, Ayy Lmao had a lot that they were trying to hide behind that “mental illness” comment within their video. Disgusting.

Ayy Lmao in general is a incredibly biased channel, and is one of many examples of Vivziepop stans outright harassing other fans without remorse.

Ayy Lmao, once again, is in no position to judge whether someone is mentally ill, being mentally ill does not make you “stupid” or “ignorant”, it does not make someone an “insult” or a “joke.”

People with mental illnesses are valid and deserve kindness and human respect. We are not your toys. We are human beings with our own minds and values that have a right to our own say/opinion.

In some cases, the harassment from the fandom reaches horrific extremes:

The Hazbin Fandom, as a whole, has been shown to have an extreme amount of harassment towards fans, and especially those who’s views on Vivziepop aren’t 100% positive. The enviroment is something that from personal experince is just that: A place to proceed with caution.

In summary:

There is a vast amount of evidence of Vivziepop and her fandom is all around the social media that can be found easily if you’re one to search yourself on Tumblr (most reccomended source as Twitter is filled to the brim with Vivziepop stans) Twitter, Tiktok, etc: as there is much that has been hidden from the mainstream due to the lack of reliable sources on Youtube and or Twitter when it comes to Vivziepop discourse.

But with that all said and done.

There is one thing that can be said about Vivziepop.

-and that is that her story is one of many that is a cauntionairy tale of what happens when a creator let’s all the fame and glory get to their head to the level where both them and their fandom become the very thing that they sought to never be:

A story of bias.

A story of fear.

A story…

-of caution.


Oh boy… here comes the invetable hate comments.

If you think that calling people “mentally ill” unironically is “good research” then im sorry but that’s actually sad. Horrible journalism even.

