Configuring Dual Sender Email Relay in Postfix

Denis Bélanger
6 min readJun 11, 2024


Exploring Dual Sender Configuration in Postfix

In the realm of email servers and relay configurations, Postfix stands out for its flexibility and capability to cater to various custom needs. Among these is the ability to modify the “From” address of outgoing emails, a feature particularly useful for internal communications and automated system messages. Utilizing mechanisms like canonical_maps and smtp_header_checks, administrators can seamlessly alter the sender’s address to match organizational requirements, ensuring emails appear more professional or aligned with brand identity. This process, typically straightforward for altering a single sender’s address, introduces a unique challenge when the goal extends to dispatching identical emails from multiple senders.

The scenario unfolds where a Postfix relay is tasked with not just altering, but duplicating emails to send from two distinct addresses, creating a situation where recipients receive the same message from two separate entities. This functionality, though not commonly requested, presents intriguing possibilities for scenarios where emails from different domains or sender identities need to reach a recipient simultaneously, maintaining the original content. The question at hand is not just about the possibility of such a configuration within Postfix, but also about the technical nuances involved in implementing this dual-sender strategy effectively, ensuring operational integrity and compliance with email standards.

CommandDescription#!/bin/bashShebang line to indicate the script should be run in the Bash shell.echoCommand used to print text or variables to the standard output or a file.sendmail -tSends an email using sendmail with the recipients specified in the header of the mail file.rmCommand used to remove files or directories.sender_canonical_mapsPostfix configuration parameter to specify address mapping for envelope and header sender addresses.smtp_header_checksPostfix configuration to define actions based on patterns in SMTP message headers.regexp:Specifies the use of regular expressions for matching in Postfix configurations.REPLACEUsed in smtp_header_checks to replace parts of the header based on a match.

Advanced Email Routing Techniques in Postfix

Implementing dual sender email functionality in Postfix requires an understanding of its advanced features and capabilities. Beyond simple address rewriting and header checks, Postfix’s flexibility allows for intricate manipulation of email flow, crucial for achieving the dual sender scenario. This process can leverage Postfix’s recipient_bcc_maps and sender_bcc_maps, which automatically BCC (blind carbon copy) an email to additional recipients based on specified criteria. While not directly designed for duplicating emails to send from multiple senders, these features can be creatively adapted. For instance, by setting up recipient_bcc_maps, a copy of the incoming email can be redirected to a special script or email account that handles the modification of the sender address before re-sending. This approach, although indirect, provides a way to duplicate and alter the email without disrupting the original flow or requiring significant changes to the Postfix configuration.

The challenge, however, lies in the implementation specifics, such as ensuring that the duplication process is seamless and doesn’t introduce delays or potential for mail loops. Additionally, considerations around email authentication mechanisms like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC become crucial when altering sender addresses. Misconfigurations can lead to emails being flagged as spam or outright rejected by recipient servers. As such, administrators must carefully plan and test these setups, possibly incorporating additional Postfix features or external scripts to handle authentication updates dynamically. This level of customization underscores Postfix’s adaptability but also highlights the need for a deep understanding of mail server operations and email standards.

Implementing Dual Sender Email Functionality in Postfix

Bash for email duplication and modification

# Email details
SUBJECT="Your subject here"
BODY="This is the body of the email."
# Create first email file
echo "From: $SENDER1" > "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE1"
echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" >> "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE1"
echo "" >> "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE1"
echo "$BODY" >> "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE1"
# Create second email file
echo "From: $SENDER2" > "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE2"
echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" >> "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE2"
echo "" >> "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE2"
echo "$BODY" >> "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE2"
# Send emails
sendmail -t < "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE1"
sendmail -t < "$TEMP_MAIL_FILE2"
# Clean up

Postfix Configuration for Dual Sender Support

Postfix configuration snippet

# /etc/postfix/ modifications
sender_canonical_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical
smtp_header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/smtp_header_checks
# /etc/postfix/sender_canonical
/^From:.*internal@test.domain/ REPLACE From: ${OVERRIDE_SENDER_NAME}
# /etc/postfix/smtp_header_checks
/^From:.*internal@test.domain/ REPLACE From: ${OVERRIDE_SENDER_NAME}
# Note: These configurations are simplified and conceptual.
# Actual implementation may require additional adjustments.

Exploring Advanced Postfix Email Routing

When delving deeper into Postfix’s capabilities for handling multiple sender scenarios, it becomes clear that the platform’s strength lies in its extensive configurability and the power of its filter mechanisms. Specifically, the use of transport maps in conjunction with address rewriting can offer a robust solution. Transport maps allow administrators to define specific routes for emails based on the sender or recipient address, effectively guiding the email through different processing paths. This can be particularly useful when attempting to implement a dual-sender setup, as it provides the flexibility to route duplicates of an email to a script or application designed to alter the sender address before forwarding it to the final recipient.

Moreover, integrating Postfix with external processing scripts via filters or hooks opens up possibilities for dynamically altering email headers or content based on custom logic. This could involve scripts that, upon detecting a specific pattern in the email, duplicate the message and modify the “From” address accordingly. Such a setup requires careful consideration of performance and security implications, ensuring that the email processing logic does not introduce vulnerabilities or significantly impact the mail server’s performance. Additionally, maintaining accurate and up-to-date documentation of these custom configurations is crucial for troubleshooting and compliance purposes, underscoring the need for technical proficiency and meticulous configuration management in advanced Postfix setups.

Frequently Asked Questions on Dual-Sender Email Configurations

  1. Question: Can Postfix send an email from two different senders to the same recipient?
  2. Answer: Yes, it’s possible through advanced configurations and possibly external scripts to manipulate and duplicate emails, changing the sender address as required.
  3. Question: Is it necessary to use external scripts for duplicating emails in Postfix?
  4. Answer: While not strictly necessary, external scripts provide the flexibility to implement complex logic that Postfix’s built-in features may not support directly.
  5. Question: How can I ensure duplicated emails are not marked as spam?
  6. Answer: Careful configuration of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records, along with compliance with email sending best practices, is essential to avoid emails being flagged as spam.
  7. Question: Can transport maps be used to route emails to specific scripts for processing?
  8. Answer: Yes, transport maps can direct emails to specific destinations, including scripts, for custom processing before delivery.
  9. Question: How do I modify the “From” address of emails sent through Postfix?
  10. Answer: The “From” address can be modified using Postfix’s address rewriting features, such as sender_canonical_maps and smtp_header_checks.
  11. Question: Are there any security concerns with custom email routing in Postfix?
  12. Answer: Custom routing and processing should be carefully designed to prevent open relays, unauthorized access, and ensure compliance with email standards to maintain security.
  13. Question: How do I test my Postfix configuration for dual-sender functionality?
  14. Answer: Testing involves sending test emails through your configured setup and verifying the recipient receives them as intended, checking logs for any errors or warnings.
  15. Question: Can I use Postfix to implement a fallback sender in case the primary fails?
  16. Answer: Yes, Postfix’s flexible routing and transport rules can be configured to implement fallback mechanisms for enhanced reliability.
  17. Question: How does Postfix handle email loops in custom configurations?
  18. Answer: Postfix includes mechanisms to detect and prevent email loops, but custom configurations should be carefully designed to avoid introducing new looping conditions.

Wrapping Up Dual Sender Configurations in Postfix

The challenge of configuring Postfix to send an identical email from two different senders highlights both the flexibility and complexity of mail server management. Through a combination of canonical_maps, smtp_header_checks, and creative scripting, administrators can tailor Postfix behavior to meet unique organizational needs. However, implementing such configurations requires a deep dive into Postfix’s documentation and possibly the integration of custom scripts. The key takeaway is that while Postfix is highly versatile, achieving specific outcomes like dual sender emails involves navigating through layers of complexity. This exploration underscores the importance of thorough planning, testing, and a solid understanding of mail delivery protocols to ensure successful deployment. Moreover, considerations around security and compliance with email authentication standards cannot be overlooked, as they are critical to maintaining the integrity and deliverability of emails. In summary, with careful configuration and attention to detail, Postfix can be adapted to meet even the most unique email delivery requirements.



Denis Bélanger

Passionate coder & email aficionado. Always exploring tech, unraveling SMTP mysteries, and crafting efficient solutions.