Locating a Command’s Complete Path via the Windows Command Line

Denis Bélanger 💎⚡✨
6 min readJul 9, 2024


Introduction: Uncovering Hidden Command Paths on Windows

Path conflicts can be a frequent issue for developers working with scripts and commands on the Windows command line. When one of your scripts is overshadowed by another program due to its placement in the path, it becomes crucial to identify the full path of a given command. This scenario often leads users to seek an equivalent of the UNIX ‘which’ command, which simplifies locating the exact path of a command.

On UNIX systems, the ‘which’ command is used to display the full path of a specified command, aiding in resolving such shadowing problems. However, Windows users might wonder if there is a similar utility available on their platform. In the following discussion, we will explore the options available on Windows to achieve the same functionality and help you manage path-related issues effectively.

Understanding Windows Command Line Scripts

In the scripts provided, each is designed to mimic the functionality of the UNIX which command, which is used to locate the full path of a command. The first script uses a batch file for the Windows Command Prompt. It starts with setlocal to localize environment variable changes. The script then sets the command name to the variable %command% and checks if it’s empty. The for %%i in (“%command%”) do loop iterates through the directories listed in the PATH environment variable. Within this loop, the if exist “%%j\%%~i.exe” checks if the executable file exists in the current directory of the loop. If found, it outputs the path and exits.

The second script, written in PowerShell, begins by defining parameters with param. The script retrieves the command name and splits the PATH environment variable into individual directories using $env:PATH -split ‘;’. The Join-Path command combines each directory with the command name to form potential executable paths. It then uses Test-Path to check for the existence of these paths. If the executable is found, it outputs the path and exits. The third script, written in Python, defines a function which to search for the command in directories listed in the PATH environment variable. It uses os.pathsep to get the system’s path separator and os.access to check for executability. This script is run with a command-line argument specifying the command name, and it prints the full path if the command is found.

Determining the Full Path of a Command in Windows

Using Windows Command Prompt

@echo off
set "command=%1"
if "%command%"=="" (
echo Usage: %~n0 command_name
exit /b 1
for %%i in ("%command%") do (
for %%j in (".;%PATH:;=;.;%;") do (
if exist "%%j\%%~i.exe" (
echo %%j\%%~i.exe
exit /b 0
echo %command% not found

Locating Command Paths in PowerShell

Using PowerShell Script

param (
if (-not $command) {
Write-Output "Usage: .\script.ps1 command_name"
exit 1
$path = $env:PATH -split ';'
foreach ($dir in $path) {
$exe = Join-Path $dir $command.exe
if (Test-Path $exe) {
Write-Output $exe
exit 0
Write-Output "$command not found"

Finding Command Locations with Python

Using Python Script

import os
import sys
def which(command):
path = os.getenv('PATH')
for dir in path.split(os.pathsep):
exe = os.path.join(dir, command)
if os.path.isfile(exe) and os.access(exe, os.X_OK):
return exe
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python script.py command_name")
command = sys.argv[1]
path = which(command)
if path:
print(f"{command} not found")

Advanced Path Management Techniques in Windows

Beyond simply finding the full path of a command, managing the PATH environment variable is crucial for avoiding conflicts and ensuring smooth execution of scripts. In Windows, one can use the System Properties interface to edit the PATH variable, but this can be cumbersome for frequent changes. Instead, using the setx command in the Command Prompt or PowerShell can provide a more efficient way to manage these variables. The setx command allows users to set environment variables persistently, which is useful for scripts that require specific tools or applications to be prioritized in the PATH.

Another useful tool is the where command, which is a built-in Windows utility that behaves similarly to the UNIX which command. The where command can locate and display the paths of executable files that match the search criteria. For example, running where python in the Command Prompt will list all locations of the Python executable found in the PATH. This can be particularly helpful for identifying and resolving conflicts when multiple versions of a tool are installed. By combining the use of setx and where, users can better manage their environment and ensure that the correct versions of commands are executed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Command Path Issues

What is the where command in Windows?

The where command in Windows locates and displays the paths of executable files matching the search criteria.

How do I edit the PATH environment variable?

You can edit the PATH variable through the System Properties interface or by using the setx command in Command Prompt or PowerShell.

Can I use PowerShell to find the path of a command?

Yes, PowerShell can be used to find the path of a command by using a script that iterates through the directories listed in the PATH environment variable.

What is the difference between setx and set in Command Prompt?

The set command sets environment variables for the current session only, while setx sets them persistently across sessions.

How can I check if a file is executable in Python?

You can check if a file is executable in Python using os.access(file, os.X_OK).

What does os.pathsep do in Python?

The os.pathsep attribute provides the path separator used by the operating system, which is a semicolon (;) on Windows.

Final Thoughts:

Effectively managing and locating command paths on the Windows command line is crucial for avoiding conflicts and ensuring correct script execution. By utilizing batch files, PowerShell scripts, and Python, users can replicate the functionality of the UNIX ‘which’ command. Additionally, leveraging tools like the where command and managing the PATH variable can further streamline this process. These techniques provide robust solutions to maintain a clean and efficient development environment, helping users quickly identify and resolve path-related issues.

Locating a Command’s Complete Path via the Windows Command Line



Denis Bélanger 💎⚡✨

A lifeless programming SuperHero. Passionate coder & email aficionado. Always exploring tech, unraveling SMTP mysteries, and crafting efficient solutions.