How to Send Emails with Attachments Using Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2

Denis Bélanger
5 min readMay 13, 2024

Email Automation with Office 365 Outlook

In today’s digital age, email remains a cornerstone for professional communication, serving as a vital tool for sharing information, documents, and important updates. However, as the volume of emails and the need for efficient communication grow, manual handling becomes increasingly impractical. This is where automation steps in, particularly for tasks such as sending emails with attachments. Automating this process not only saves time but also enhances productivity, allowing individuals and organizations to focus on more critical tasks. The Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 action offers a seamless way to integrate email automation within your applications, especially when working with Microsoft’s Office 365 suite.

The capability to send emails with attachments through Office 365 Outlook not only simplifies the process but also ensures reliability and security, key aspects of professional communication. This functionality is particularly useful for businesses that rely on Microsoft services for their daily operations. By leveraging the Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 action, users can easily automate the process of sending emails with various types of attachments, such as documents, spreadsheets, presentations, or even images, directly from their applications. This guide aims to explore the steps involved in setting up and utilizing this feature to enhance your workflow and communication efficiency.

CommandDescriptionOffice365Outlook.SendEmailV2Sends an email through Office 365 Outlook with the ability to include attachments.

Enhancing Efficiency with Email Automation

Email automation, particularly in professional settings, has transformed how businesses manage communication. The advent of tools like Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 has further streamlined this process, allowing for the automated sending of emails with attachments, a task that traditionally required manual intervention. This automation capability is not just about sending emails; it’s about integrating with the entire ecosystem of Office 365 services. For instance, it can dynamically pull files from OneDrive or SharePoint as attachments, ensuring that the most up-to-date documents are sent without manual uploading. This level of integration simplifies workflow processes, reduces the risk of human error, and enhances overall efficiency.

Beyond the technical benefits, automating email communications with attachments via Office 365 can significantly impact operational efficiency. It allows for scheduling emails in advance, ensuring that messages are delivered at the most opportune time, regardless of the sender’s availability. This is particularly beneficial for global teams working across different time zones, enabling seamless communication without the constraints of traditional office hours. Moreover, the use of templates for common email types can save considerable time, ensuring consistency and professionalism across all communications. The ability to automate these processes not only frees up valuable time but also allows teams to focus on more strategic tasks that require human insight and creativity.

Email Automation Example

Power Automate

<Flow name="Send Email with Attachments">
<Trigger type="Manual" />
<Subject>Test Email with Attachments</Subject>
<Body>Please find the attached document.</Body>
<ContentBytes>[base64-encoded content]</ContentBytes>

Streamlining Communication with Office 365 Email Automation

The integration of email automation through Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 marks a significant leap towards optimizing business communication. This tool not only facilitates the seamless sending of emails with attachments but also integrates tightly with other Office 365 applications, providing a cohesive and efficient workflow. The automation of such routine tasks liberates employees from the time-consuming process of manual email management, allowing them to allocate more time to strategic tasks that demand human intervention and creativity. This shift not only boosts productivity but also enhances job satisfaction by reducing the monotony of repetitive tasks.

Furthermore, the implementation of email automation within the Office 365 ecosystem allows for advanced personalization and targeting in communication strategies. By utilizing dynamic content and attachments based on the recipient’s preferences or previous interactions, businesses can significantly increase the relevance and effectiveness of their emails. This level of customization, powered by automation, leads to higher engagement rates, fostering stronger relationships with clients and stakeholders. Additionally, the ability to track and analyze the performance of automated emails provides valuable insights into communication strategies, enabling continuous improvement and optimization.

Frequently Asked Questions about Email Automation with Office 365

  1. Question: Can I send emails to multiple recipients using Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2?
  2. Answer: Yes, you can send emails to multiple recipients by specifying their email addresses in the ‘To’ field, separated by semicolons.
  3. Question: Is it possible to add attachments from SharePoint or OneDrive using Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2?
  4. Answer: Yes, Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 allows you to add attachments directly from SharePoint or OneDrive, ensuring seamless integration with Office 365 services.
  5. Question: Can I schedule emails to be sent at a future date/time using this automation feature?
  6. Answer: While Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 itself does not have a scheduling feature, you can use Power Automate to trigger the sending of emails at scheduled times.
  7. Question: Are there any limitations on the size or type of attachments I can send?
  8. Answer: Yes, there are limitations based on your Office 365 subscription plan and email server settings. It’s important to check the current limits to ensure successful email delivery.
  9. Question: Can I use custom HTML templates for emails sent with Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2?
  10. Answer: Yes, you can use custom HTML templates to design your emails, allowing for greater flexibility and personalization in your communications.
  11. Question: How secure is sending emails with attachments using Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2?
  12. Answer: Office 365 employs robust security measures, including encryption, to ensure the secure sending of emails and attachments.
  13. Question: Can I track whether an email sent with Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 was opened by the recipient?
  14. Answer: Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 does not provide built-in tracking for email opens. However, external tools and integrations can be used to track this.
  15. Question: Is it possible to automate email responses using Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2?
  16. Answer: Yes, by combining Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 with Power Automate, you can automate not only sending emails but also responding to incoming messages based on specific criteria.
  17. Question: How do I handle errors or failures in sending emails?
  18. Answer: Power Automate provides detailed logs and notifications that can help you identify and troubleshoot any issues encountered during the email sending process.

Empowering Businesses Through Email Automation

Email automation, especially through platforms like Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2, represents a significant advancement in digital communication strategies for businesses. By enabling the automated sending of emails with attachments, organizations can achieve a higher level of efficiency, accuracy, and consistency in their communications. The benefits extend beyond mere convenience, touching on enhanced productivity, better resource allocation, and improved stakeholder engagement. The integration with Office 365’s suite of applications further ensures a cohesive and streamlined workflow, minimizing manual intervention and allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of digital communication, tools like Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2 will remain invaluable in crafting more effective, efficient, and secure communication strategies. The adoption of such technologies is not just an operational necessity but a strategic asset in the digital age, enabling businesses to stay ahead in a competitive landscape.



Denis Bélanger

Passionate coder & email aficionado. Always exploring tech, unraveling SMTP mysteries, and crafting efficient solutions.