Updating Email Read Status with Microsoft Graph SDK v5

Denis Bélanger
5 min readJun 9, 2024


Exploring Email Management with Microsoft Graph SDK v5

Transitioning applications to newer frameworks and technologies often presents a unique set of challenges, especially when it involves complex functionalities like email management. In the realm of software development, upgrading services that interact with mailbox activities — such as marking emails as read — requires a deep dive into the capabilities of the tools at hand. Microsoft’s Graph SDK stands out as a powerful interface for interacting with Microsoft 365 services, including email operations. However, developers migrating to .NET 8 and considering the Graph SDK v5 encounter a notable hurdle: the apparent limitation in modifying the read status of emails through the SDK.

This issue becomes particularly pressing when upgrading systems that rely heavily on email interactions, such as customer service platforms or automated alert systems. The Graph SDK v5’s seeming restriction against modifying emails outside of drafts poses a significant problem. Such a limitation not only impacts the efficiency of email processing but also raises questions about the flexibility of the Graph SDK. Developers are thus faced with the task of finding workarounds or alternative solutions to maintain the functionality of their applications within the constraints of the new environment.

Deep Dive into Email Status Management with Graph SDK v5

When dealing with email management through the Microsoft Graph SDK v5, developers are navigating a terrain that’s both powerful and complex. This SDK provides an interface to a wide range of Microsoft 365 services, including but not limited to, email management within Microsoft Exchange. The core issue at hand involves the limitation perceived by developers when attempting to mark emails as read. This functionality is crucial for applications that require automation in email processing, such as customer support systems, notification services, and automated workflows. The challenge arises from the SDK’s perceived limitations, particularly around modifying the state of emails that are not in draft form. This situation underscores the need for a thorough understanding of the SDK’s capabilities and possibly, its limitations.

Exploring potential solutions or workarounds becomes essential. One such avenue is the direct use of the Graph API for actions not supported by the SDK or where the SDK seems restrictive. The API provides a more granular level of control, allowing developers to craft custom requests that can bypass these limitations. Understanding the Graph API’s capabilities in conjunction with the SDK can unlock more advanced functionalities and workarounds for developers. This approach requires a solid grasp of both the Graph SDK and the underlying Graph API, necessitating a deeper dive into the documentation and community resources for insights and strategies to overcome these challenges.

Marking Email as Read with Microsoft Graph SDK

C# Programming Example

var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider);
var emailId = "YOUR_EMAIL_ID_HERE";
var mailbox = "YOUR_MAILBOX_HERE";
var updateMessage = new Message
IsRead = true
await graphClient.Users[mailbox]

Navigating Challenges in Email Automation with Graph SDK

The integration of email automation using Microsoft Graph SDK v5 introduces a blend of opportunities and obstacles for developers. The primary allure of utilizing the Graph SDK lies in its seamless connectivity to various Microsoft 365 services, streamlining operations such as email management within applications. Yet, the crux of developer frustration often stems from limitations encountered when attempting to mark emails as read or modify their status programmatically. This challenge is not trivial; it directly impacts the efficiency and functionality of automated systems designed to interact with email services. These systems range from customer support ticketing applications to workflow automation tools that rely on email status to trigger specific actions.

To effectively navigate these challenges, developers must leverage a comprehensive understanding of the Graph SDK alongside the more flexible Graph API. This dual approach may offer a pathway to circumvent SDK limitations, enabling the execution of operations like marking emails as read. Delving into the Graph API documentation, engaging with the developer community, and experimenting with API calls can provide invaluable insights. These efforts can uncover alternative strategies and best practices for achieving desired email automation functionalities, ensuring applications remain robust and responsive to user needs.

Frequently Asked Questions on Email Management with Graph SDK

Can the Microsoft Graph SDK v5 mark emails as read?

Yes, but with limitations. Direct modifications to non-draft emails might require using the Graph API directly.

Is it possible to modify an email’s properties using the Graph SDK?

Yes, properties like the read status can be modified, though for non-drafts, direct API calls might be necessary.

How can developers work around the SDK’s limitations for email modification?

Leveraging the Graph API directly allows for more granular control and overcoming SDK limitations.

Are there any community resources for dealing with Graph SDK limitations?

Yes, Microsoft’s developer forums and GitHub repositories are excellent resources for community support and solutions.

Can automated workflows include email management tasks with Graph SDK?

Absolutely. The SDK and API together provide the tools necessary for integrating email management into automated workflows.

Wrapping Up Email Automation Insights

In conclusion, mastering email automation within the Microsoft Graph SDK v5 environment requires a nuanced understanding of its capabilities and limitations. The journey from encountering the initial challenge of marking emails as read to exploring potential solutions underscores the complexity and power of working with Microsoft’s extensive suite of developer tools. By leveraging both the SDK and the Graph API, developers can overcome hurdles related to email management, enhancing the functionality and efficiency of their applications. This exploration also highlights the critical role of community engagement and documentation in unraveling the SDK’s intricacies. Ultimately, the ability to navigate these challenges successfully opens up a realm of possibilities for automating and optimizing email-related workflows, driving forward the efficiency and effectiveness of digital communication strategies.

Updating Email Read Status with Microsoft Graph SDK v5



Denis Bélanger

Passionate coder & email aficionado. Always exploring tech, unraveling SMTP mysteries, and crafting efficient solutions.