Reasons to Believe That Sandy Hook Was a Staged Event

Origen of Seria Nova
6 min readFeb 23, 2019


  1. The State of Connecticut has sealed the death-certificates and autopsy-reports of the victims.
  2. The FBI has sealed its files pertaining to the incident.
  3. No pictures or videos of the victims during or after the assault have been released.
  4. No videos of the evacuation of over 400 people from the school following the incident have been released, despite that, according to the official story, the school had just installed a new, multi-million dollar surveillance system.
  5. Nearly all of the parents of the deceased children had moved to Newtown within the last three years. Within three or four years after the incident, all of them had moved away. This is in contrast to the Columbine Massacre, where after fifteen years, half of the families remained.
  6. According to the official story, Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adults, and nonfatally shot one or two adults, before deciding to shoot himself. All of this happened in less than seven minutes. The speed of the incident and the level of marksmanship appear unrealistic.
  7. According to the official story, Adam Lanza was six feet tall, but weighed only 112 pounds. At 17 years old, he did not know how to tie his shoelaces. During the shooting, his body armor and ammunition weighed over fifty pounds. This further adds to the implausibility that Adam Lanza could have committed the shooting so quickly and effectively.
  8. Of the twenty mothers and twenty fathers of the deceased children, around seven of them are confirmed to be professional actors or entertainers, which seems to be an unusually high proportion.
  9. According to the official story, after the shooting began, six of the children and a bus-driver ran to the nearby house of Gene Rosen. For some reason, neither Dr Rosen nor the bus-driver called the police. The children were let into the house and given snacks and toys. Dr Rosen has given contradictory accounts of how the children were returned to their parents. Furthermore, a video later emerged on YouTube showing Dr Rosen standing in his backyard and practicing yet another contradictory account of the events. When he mentions an implausible detail, the cameraman interrupts him, as if coaching him on what to say.
  10. The parent of one of the deceased children, Robbie Parker, is shown laughing immediately prior to an interview and asking “are we going to start.” A few seconds later, he seems to intentionally breathe heavily and induce tears. Several of the other parents who were interviewed give rehearsed statements of grief without shedding any tears.
  11. Shortly after the shooting, the local newspaper reported on the incident, including an eyewitness-statement by the principal Dawn Hochsprung. Later, Dawn Hochsprung was confirmed to have been killed during the attack. The newspaper admitted that the name of the witness was incorrect, but did not offer another name.
  12. Two of the photographs of Adam Lanza which were released were obviously digitally modified, showing a person with bug-eyes.

13. One of the released photographs of Victoria Soto was clearly digitally modified. It depicts Victoria Soto and her first-grade class, but she and the other teacher have blurred paws instead of hands.

14. The photograph of Robbie Parker’s family was clearly digitally modified. A few years later, Mr Parker’s wife admitted to this, but claimed that it was not done maliciously. She was merely fusing two other photographs together.

15. There are photographs of the school taken around the time of the shooting showing that the school is in a state of disrepair; that it is not ADA-complaint; and that mold is growing on the sides of the walls. This points to the fact that Sandy Hook was not an operational school for several years.

16. The photographs of the school on the day of the shooting show no Christmas decorations on the school’s exterior, which is a clear departure from American customs of placing Christmas decorations on after Thanksgiving and before Christmas.

17. According to the Internet Archive, the website of the school was not active between 2008–2012.

18. Around 2004, there were 3–4 news articles or documents showing that the school was dilapidated and contaminated with asbestos, and in need of renovation, further supporting the notion that shortly after, the school was closed.

19. Less than a year after the shooting, the school was demolished and rebuilt by decision of the city-government. Aside from the obvious reason presented that the school must be demolished because of its negative memories, its contamination with asbestos was also cited. However, this casts further doubt on the fact that the school was operational at all, at the time of the shooting.

20. Two months after the shooting, 26 students from Sandy Hook were given a chance to sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl as a symbol of hope. Despite that they appeared before a worldwide audience of 114 million people, the Super Bowl decided to keep their names in utmost secrecy, citing concerns for their privacy. In around 2016, at a board meeting of the rebuilt Sandy Hook school, it was revealed that the school’s newsletter and publicly available records make no mention of the Super Bowl event. This is in contradiction to its policy of giving public commendations to students who participate in community-service events. (Some commentators have also alleged that several of singing students physically resembled the supposedly deceased children, but this claim has been at least partially refuted.)

21. The small, New England town of Newtown, CT, today remains on an informal state of lockdown. People who go to the city to ask questions about Sandy Hook are promptly confronted by the police and asked to leave. The researcher Wolfgang Halbig, an adherent of Catholicism, has even been banned, under threat of arrest, from attending the Catholic church in Newtown.

22. Mounds of other evidence. The fact that none of the bullets went through the children but were found in the body according to statements. The strong backlash against people asking questions. The port-a-potties. The withdrawn lawsuit. Etc etc. This list will be expanded later.

comments from online:

It’s interesting to see the “official” story. People on here defending the “heartbroken”, “devastated” families and people involved. Really? Robbie Parker was laughing and smiling about the whole thing. Gene Rosen tried really hard to get his story straight, but couldn’t do it. Andrew Rousseau, brother of Sandy Hook teacher Lauren Rousseau, when he found out about the shooting at the school, decided to rush to get to his bar-tending shift. He didn’t know at that time if his sister was alive or dead, and brushed it off and made sure he wasn’t late for work instead of finding out if his sister was still alive or not. Wayne Carver the coroner had just done the autopsies on “mutilated little bodies” blown apart by high velocity .223 rifle rounds, and he was in such a good mood he couldn’t help from cracking multiple jokes and laughing during his interview with the press. If these people are all so “devastated”, they have a really sick way of showing it.

Sandy Hook was a staged event. Why is Robbie Parker laughing and soliciting donations the day after his daughter was supposedly murdered? Why were the “victims” left to bleed to death in the school rather than rushed to the hospital? Why is Gene Rosen seen walking around the fire station when he was supposedly at his house with students that ran there? Why did the medical examiner threaten to resign if a law wasn’t passed which allows him to withhold pediatric autopsy reports rather than making it public record? Why did none of the families file law suits against the school for the first time in the history of school shootings? Why did the Newtown Bee publish a story after the event with a quote from the schools principal when she supposedly was killed? Why is there no footage of the 600 students evacuating the school?



Origen of Seria Nova

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