Legal Aid & Resources for San Antonio Tenants

Tenants Union of San Antonio
1 min readJan 29, 2022


TUSA is not a legal organization. While we believe it is valuable that we educate ourselves as organized tenants, that work does not replace qualified legal advice in certain instances. Below are legal aid organizations that may provide free services to tenants.

Aid & Advocacy:


Further Contact Information:

If it would help you to have more information, you can:

[A] schedule a call with us (we’re not lawyers),
[B] contact a lawyer, or
[C] attend one of our monthly Zoom meetings.

If you want to contact us, or get the Zoom meeting link:

Text Messages / Phone: (210) 281–1477
Facebook / Facebook Messenger:



Tenants Union of San Antonio

TUSA is fighting for tenants' rights in the San Antonio area because safe and dignified housing is a fundamental right.