More Choice With Personal Catering Services in Tenerife

Roberto Medda
3 min readSep 21, 2018


A good food made from the core of the heart is sufficient to make anyone fall in love with the food. Food is one of the ultimate reason that can make the event not only success but a grand success. The quality, taste, flavor as well as the orientation and appearance of the food and beverage makes the function successful as well as it impresses the guest.

Italian Cheeses

It is very important to hire the right chef for having the right taste in the food and the beverages. There are many people who think that hiring the right chef is not that important but the fact is that the right chef will help you steal the event whereas the wrong or less experienced chef will send the guest back to their place with a bad impression.

Budget is a vital factor which the people need to think before they avail personal catering services. The catering services require people with the special skills and experience. There are some of the points mentioned below which will help you to hire the best personal catering services in Tenerife.

(1.) The Menu with the good options

The options in the menu keep on changing with the time In the present scenario, the trend changes every now and then, so with the changing trend the menu also requires customization. Before you hire the personal catering services make sure that they update the menu according to the event and season. The cuisine varies from event to event. So the company should be capable to offer the variation in the menu.

Cheese Tray

(2.) The Experience of the chefs

Adding aroma to the food is an art. This is a job profile which requires an ample amount of experience to handle it. Making food in hurry can ruin the entire taste of the food as well as leave a bad impression on the guest. So hire the chef wisely if you are really interested to make the event a grand success.

Dolcetti Sardi

(3.) They understand the event

Every event is different and to leave a good impression the caterer should understand the requirements. The food made should match the occasion as well as the likes of the guest at the event.

(4.) Taste the food before serving

Have a final look at the menu before you finalize it for the event. The caterers will arrange a testing of the food which is going to be on the menu. Be it an anniversary or a corporate function a good food adds a beauty to the event.

Hire the best personal caterers which will leave a long lasting impression on the guest as well as bring a smile to their face.



Roberto Medda

Roberto Medda is a personal chef with a dedication of more than 25 years of service. The journey begans with authentic European/Mediterranean with home modern.