Jetpack Compose: A Powerful Tool for Building Modern Android UIs

Teni Gada
6 min readMay 25, 2024


For years, XML layouts have been the cornerstone of building Android UIs. Recently, however, Jetpack Compose has emerged as a revolutionary new approach, promising significantly simpler and more efficient development. This modern UI toolkit empowers you to create beautiful and responsive user interfaces with less code. But what exactly is Jetpack Compose, and how does it work?

This blog post will delve into the core principles of Jetpack Compose:

  • Declarative UI: Describe, Don’t Instruct
  • Uni-directional Data Flow: Predictable Updates
  • State Management: Keeping Your UI Up-to-Date

Understanding these fundamentals will equip you to create stunning and dynamic UIs for your Android applications.

1. Declarative UI: Describe, Don’t Instruct

Gone are the days of complex XML layouts. With Compose, you describe your UI declaratively using Kotlin code. Instead of writing lines of code to manipulate the UI elements, you define how your UI should look based on the current state of your app. This leads to cleaner, more understandable, and maintainable code.

Let’s dive into a simple example to understand how declarative UI works in Jetpack Compose:

Imperative Approach (Traditional)

In the traditional Android approach using XML and Java/Kotlin, you would write code to control the UI elements based on user interaction. Here’s an example:

android:text="Click Me"
android:background="@color/colorPrimary" />
private var isClicked = false
val myButton: Button = findViewById(
myButton.setOnClickListener {
isClicked = !isClicked
if (isClicked) {
} else {

Declarative Approach (Jetpack Compose)

With Jetpack Compose, you define the button with the desired color based on the current state (clicked or not clicked). The UI automatically updates when the state changes, eliminating the need for manual manipulation.

fun MyButton() {
var isClicked by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

val buttonColor = if (isClicked) Color.Green else Color.Red

onClick = { isClicked = !isClicked },
colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(containerColor = buttonColor),
shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)
) {
Text(text = "Click Me")


2. Uni-directional Data Flow (UDF): Predictable Updates

UDF is a design pattern where data flows in a single direction:

  • From a single source of truth (usually a ViewModel) down to the UI.
  • Events flow up from the UI to the ViewModel.

This pattern promotes code that’s easier to understand, debug, and maintain. UDF ensures a clear separation of concerns, with the UI observing the state and reacting to changes.

Analogy: The Downward Flow of Information

Imagine a river flowing downhill. Data in your app acts like the water, flowing from the source (state) to the destination (UI). This one-way flow makes it simpler to reason about your app’s behavior and avoid bugs.

Here’s how UDF works in Jetpack Compose:

  • State: Source of truth for UI. Any changes to it trigger UI recomposition.
  • Events: Actions (e.g., user interactions) that modify the state.
  • State Observers: UI components that react to state changes and update accordingly.

By following UDF, you ensure that your UI is always a reflection of the current state, reducing the risk of inconsistencies and bugs.


fun GreetingScreen(viewModel: GreetingViewModel) {
val greeting by viewModel.greeting.collectAsState()
Greeting(greeting = greeting) { newGreeting ->

fun Greeting(greeting: String, onGreetingChange: (String) -> Unit) {
value = greeting,
onValueChange = onGreetingChange

In this example, the GreetingScreen composable collects the state from the GreetingViewModel and passes it down to the Greeting composable. User interactions are handled by passing events up to the ViewModel.

3. State Management: Keeping Your UI Up-to-Date in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose relies on state to ensure your UI always reflects the latest information. Any changes in your app’s data are stored in the state, which then triggers a recomposition of the affected UI elements. This declarative approach makes your code more predictable and easier to maintain.

Think of it this way: Imagine a chameleon that changes color based on its surroundings. The chameleon’s color represents the UI, and the surroundings represent the app’s state. When the state changes (like the surroundings), the UI (like the chameleon) adapts accordingly.

Let’s explore some key state management terms in Jetpack Compose:

  • mutableStateOf: Creates a state object that Jetpack Compose can observe. When the value of the state changes, any composable functions that read the state are automatically recomposed.
val textState = mutableStateOf("")
value = textState.value,
onValueChange = { newValue -> textState.value = newValue }

In this example, textState holds the current text value of a TextField. Whenever the user enters new text, textState is updated, triggering a recomposition of the TextField to reflect the new value.

  • remember: This function helps retain state across recompositions within a composable function. It’s useful for storing values that need to persist between UI updates, such as UI state or expensive calculations.

When to use remember:

  • To store UI state that needs to persist across recompositions.
  • To hold onto the results of expensive calculations to avoid redundant computations.
fun Counter() {
var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

Button(onClick = { count++ }) {
Text("Count: $count")

Here, the count state is remembered across recompositions, ensuring that the counter value is preserved when the UI is updated.

  • rememberSavable: This is an extension of remember that specifically saves state across process death and configuration changes, such as screen rotations or language changes. It uses the SavedStateHandle under the hood, making it suitable for scenarios where you need to preserve state on configuration changes.
fun UserInputScreen() {
var text by rememberSavable { mutableStateOf("") }

Column {
value = text,
onValueChange = { text = it }
Text("You typed: $text")

In this example, the text state is preserved even if the app configuration changes, providing a seamless user experience.

Managing Complex State with ViewModel:

While remember and mutableStateOf are great for managing basic UI state, more complex state management often requires the use of ViewModel.

Jetpack Compose integrates seamlessly with Android’s architecture components, allowing you to use ViewModel to hold and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way.

Here’s how ViewModel can be used for state management:

class CounterViewModel : ViewModel() {
var counter by mutableStateOf(0)
private set

fun incrementCounter() {

fun MyScreen(viewModel: CounterViewModel = viewModel()) {
val counter = viewModel.counter

Button(onClick = { viewModel.incrementCounter() }) {
Text(text = "Count: $counter")

In this setup, CounterViewModel holds the counter state. The MyScreen composable observes this state and updates the UI accordingly.

Benefits of Jetpack Compose State Management:

  • Declarative: Describe your UI based on the current state, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.
  • Recomposition: Only the affected UI elements are recomposed when the state changes, improving performance.
  • Lifecycle-aware: ViewModel helps manage state across the lifecycle of your composables.

As you can see, Jetpack Compose offers a significant shift in how you approach UI development in Android. By embracing declarative UI and state management, you can build cleaner, more maintainable, and more expressive user interfaces.

This is just a glimpse into the world of Jetpack Compose. If you’re interested in diving deeper, here are some resources to keep you exploring:


We’ve explored the core concepts of Jetpack Compose and how it revolutionizes Android UI development. Declarative UI and state management offer a powerful approach to building beautiful and responsive apps. With its focus on simplicity and efficiency, Jetpack Compose is rapidly becoming the go-to UI toolkit for Android development. So, why not jump in and experience the difference for yourself?

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Jetpack Compose is a vast and exciting world. Stay tuned for future posts where we’ll delve deeper into specific functionalities, showcase practical examples, and explore best practices. In the meantime, feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!



Teni Gada

Android Developer | Sharing knowledge & learning from others