Silicone Baby Bowls: A Must-Have for Every Parent from Teeny Cherubs

Teeny Cherubs
5 min readAug 16, 2023


Undoubtedly, you are familiar with the adage, “There is no use in shedding tears over the accidental spilling of dairy.” However, let us engage in candid discourse, for when it is the umpteenth occurrence that your progeny has inadvertently toppled their receptacle, regardless of the contents within, one cannot deny the inherent exasperation that ensues. Introduce the silicone baby bowls — the often-overlooked champions of mealtime engagements. And should there be a singular brand that warrants your attention, it is none other than Teeny Cherubs. In the present discourse, we shall embark upon a profound exploration of silicone baby bowls, with a particular focus on the remarkable attributes proffered by the esteemed brand known as Teeny Cherubs.

What is the rationale behind the utilisation of silicone? Comprehending the Fundamentals

The meteoric rise of silicone baby bowls within the baby product market can be attributed to a discernible rationale. Silicone, as a substance, amalgamates the supple characteristics of rubber with the robustness inherent in plastic. It is deemed to be secure, devoid of bisphenol A, and of utmost significance, it does not serve as a breeding ground for microorganisms. Furthermore, it is worth noting that silicone bowls possess the advantageous characteristic of being impervious to breakage or chipping, a quality that sets them apart from their conventional counterparts made of ceramic or glass. For the inept manual dexterity of our juvenile offspring, this development holds significant implications.

The Disparity Amongst the Petite Cherubs

Among the myriad of brands available, what distinguishes Teeny Cherubs as a compelling addition to your shopping itinerary? To commence, it is noteworthy to acknowledge that Teeny Cherubs possesses a profound comprehension of parental figures. They comprehend the intricate allure of the parental journey. The silicone infant bowls in question transcend mere utilitarianism, as they embody both aesthetic appeal and pragmatic efficacy. These culinary items exhibit a diverse assortment of gentle, muted hues that are aesthetically pleasing, thereby guaranteeing that the act of consuming sustenance is not only nutritionally fulfilling, but also visually gratifying.

The Facilitation of Cleansing — Bid Farewell to Tenacious Blemishes

The arduous endeavour of attempting to eradicate desiccated cereal remnants from a bowl is a plight familiar to all. The inherent allure of Teeny Cherubs’ silicone bowls resides within the remarkable quality of their non-adhesive coating. A delicate cleansing with a gentle rinse and a subtle scrub is frequently sufficient. Furthermore, it is worth noting that these items possess the remarkable attribute of being compatible with dishwashers. Cease the arduous task of devoting substantial amounts of time to the postprandial tidying endeavour.

The sustained efficacy of the suction power is truly remarkable, enduring for an extended duration of time.

One of the notable attributes inherent to the Teeny Cherubs silicone bowl is its suction base, which imparts a distinct advantage. These bowls exhibit an unwavering adherence to any level plane, rendering it exceedingly arduous for diminutive hands to propel them in a trajectory across the room. This entails a reduction in untidiness, a decrease in inefficiency, and enhanced satisfaction during meal occasions.

Economically advantageous in the context of long-term sustainability.

Although silicone baby bowls may initially appear to be more expensive compared to their plastic counterparts, it is crucial to consider the broader perspective and long-term implications. The durability of these bowls, particularly those of superior craftsmanship hailing from the esteemed brand Teeny Cherubs, is truly remarkable. These objects do not undergo deformation, discoloration, or exhibit the capacity to retain olfactory impressions. Over the course of time, the initial capital outlay yields a return on investment, as the need for periodic replacements is obviated.

The paramount importance of prioritising safety and maintaining a perpetual commitment to its preservation.

Teeny Cherubs places utmost emphasis on the preservation of the well-being and security of our young progeny, surpassing all other considerations. The silicone bowls in question boast a composition of 100% food-grade silicone, thereby ensuring the absence of deleterious substances such as BPA, PVC, and phthalates. This implies that one can provide sustenance to their offspring with the assurance that the nourishment is being consumed from a vessel that is devoid of harmful substances and poses no threat to their well-being.

Expanding Beyond Bowls: Exploring the Vast Realm of Silicone Tableware

Whilst our present emphasis lies predominantly on the subject matter of bowls, it is pertinent to acknowledge that Teeny Cherubs boasts a comprehensive assortment of silicone tableware. From the humble spoon to the versatile plate, their assortment encompasses a comprehensive range of culinary tools, ensuring that meal times are imbued with a delightful sense of amusement, effortless convenience, and a remarkable absence of untidiness.

A Utensil Suitable for Individuals of Varied Generations

One could potentially ponder, “Ah, silicone bowls? It is highly probable that my young child will surpass the utility of said items in a relatively brief period of time. However, it is worth noting that Teeny Cherubs strategically crafts their merchandise with the intention of adapting and progressing alongside the developmental journey of your offspring. These bowls possess a versatile nature, rendering them appropriate not only for infants but also for toddlers and even children of more advanced age. The enduring aesthetic and resilient quality guarantee their status as a fundamental fixture in your culinary space for an extended duration.

In summation

The silicone baby bowls crafted by Teeny Cherubs epitomise the convergence of ingenuity, aesthetic excellence, and a profound comprehension of the genuine trials encountered in the realm of parenthood. These vessels transcend their mere utilitarian purpose, for they represent a prudent allocation of resources toward a future of effortless and gratifying dining experiences. If one finds oneself in pursuit of the ideal tableware for their diminutive offspring, the answer becomes evident — Teeny Cherubs is the ultimate destination where one’s quest shall conclude.

We trust that this article has elucidated the marvels of silicone infant bowls and their inherent value as a valuable inclusion within your repertoire of essential baby accouterments. It is worth noting that the correlation between contented feeding schedules and the subsequent emotional well-being of infants is a phenomenon that should not be overlooked. Indeed, the fulfillment experienced by parents when their offspring are in a state of contentment during nourishment is unparalleled, representing the epitome of their desires and aspirations.



Teeny Cherubs

TEENY CHRUBUS is a children’s store based out in Australia if you are looking the best quality, kid-friendly products Visit the website-