How to connect to Hack The Box VPN

Sidharth H
3 min readOct 18, 2022


To start hacking the machines on Hack The Box, you need to first connect to the HTB VPN.

In this article I will be connecting to a starting point machine.

Screenshot of Hack The Box website

Step 1: Click on ‘Connect to HTB’ at top right corner, next to your username

Step 2: Select the machine, if you are playing Starting point machines, click on Starting Point, if you are playing any other machine, click on Machines

Step 3: Now, there are two different methods to connect to HTB

Screenshot of Hack The Box website

Method 1: Using OpenVPN

Screenshot of connecting to Starting Point using OpenVPN in Hack The Box website
  • Click on OpenVPN
  • Choose your VPN access, VPN server and protocol (If unsure, leave everything to defaults, it should work fine)
  • Then download the VPN
Screenshot of commands used in Linux to connect to OpenVPN
  • After the download has finished, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where the file is downloaded (usually it might be on Downloads) using cd command.
  • Check the contents of the directory using ls command and make sure the file is there
  • Use the command sudo openvpn {filename} to run OpenVPN
Screenshot of a successfull connection to Hack The Box VPN

If you see the message “Initialization Sequence Completed” it means that the connection has been established successfully

Leave this terminal tab running background and open a new tab and start hacking

Once you have finished hacking, you can use the Ctrl + C keyboard combination to terminate the connection to the VPN

Method 2: Using Pwnbox

(Free users can use the pwnbox for free for 2 hours)

Screenshot of connecting to Starting Point using Pwnbox in Hack The Box website
  • Click on Pwnbox
  • Choose your Pwnbox location, VPN access and VPN server
  • Then click on “start pwnbox”

After some time, you will get a screen like shown below:

Screenshot of connecting to Starting Point using OpenVPN in Hack The Box website

To use the machine full screen, click on open desktop and the machine will be opened in full screen in a new tab

Once you have finished hacking, you can come back to the hack the box page and terminate the pwnbox.

Happy hacking! 👨‍💻

