tensei turtle cross-breeding

tensei turtles
2 min readDec 20, 2021


What is cross-breeding?

tensei and meta turtles can only cross breed. You can find out why that is here. You can breed a tensei and meta turtle together and produce a hybrid turtle.

What is a tensei turtle, a meta turtle, a hybrid turtle?

tensei turtles and meta turtles are both part of our genesis collection. meta turtles are an evolved version of the tensei turtles and therefore yield more $LEAF than tenseis. hybrid turtles are a tensei and meta turtle mix and do not yield any $LEAF.

I only own a meta turtle OR a tensei turtle. Will I still be able to breed?

Yes! You will be able to breed using our turtle shelter function. You can “rent out” an opposing turtle from a stranger to breed with as long as you pay the $LEAF breeding fee. The opposing turtle owner gets a part of the breeding fee in return. You can offer breeding services with tensei and meta turtles.

I own a meta turtle AND a tensei turtle. Will I have an advantage when it comes to breeding?

Yes! When owning both a tensei turtle and a meta turtle, you will pay a reduced breeding fee.

Are there cool down periods for breeding?

Yes, these are the cooldown periods:
1. You are paying another turtle for breeding services: No cooldown.
2. You are being paid for breeding services: Full cooldown.
3. You are using your own turtles to breed: Half cooldown.

Exact cooldowns will be released soon.



tensei turtles

The tensei turtle tribe is a collection of 1111 NFTs that will be reincarnated on ETH ERC721. We are primarily a utility project.