Containerized Intelligence = Success!

Tensor Ashish
5 min readJan 20, 2023


Docker is a powerful tool that allows developers to package and deploy applications in a containerized environment. This means that applications can be run in isolation, making it easy to reproduce the exact environment in which they were developed and tested. In this article, we will go over the steps to get started with Docker, and explore some of the benefits and use cases of this technology.

First, let’s start by installing Docker on your machine. You can download the Docker Community Edition (CE) for your operating system from the Docker website. Once you have installed Docker, you need to start the Docker daemon in order for the command-line tools to communicate with it. To verify that Docker is running, you can use the command “docker info”.

Next, let’s explore how to pull an image from a public repository. You can use the command “docker pull” to download an image from a public repository. For example, you can pull the official “hello-world” image by running “docker pull hello-world”. Once you have an image, you can use the command “docker run” to start a container. For example, you can run the “hello-world” container by running “docker run hello-world”.

One of the main benefits of Docker is the isolation of application dependencies. With Docker, you can package your application and its dependencies into a single container, which makes it easy to deploy and run on any machine that has Docker installed. This eliminates the need to worry about different versions of libraries and frameworks, as well as system dependencies.

Another benefit of Docker is easy scaling. You can use Docker to scale your application by simply running more instances of a container. This allows you to easily handle a large number of users and requests, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Docker can also be used in continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. You can use Docker in your CI/CD pipeline to build, test, and deploy your application. This allows you to automate the process of testing and deploying your application, which can save a lot of time and effort.

Docker is also well suited for microservices-based architectures. Microservices are a way of building applications by breaking them down into smaller, independent components. This allows you to easily scale and deploy different parts of your application independently. Docker makes it easy to build and deploy microservices, by allowing you to package each service in its own container.

Docker also allows for cloud-agnostic deployments, meaning you can use Docker to deploy your application to any cloud or on-premises infrastructure. This allows you to easily move your application between different environments, without having to worry about dependencies and configurations.

Docker also supports multi-language support, you can use Docker to run applications written in different languages, such as Java, Python, Ruby, and more. This allows you to easily build and deploy applications in your preferred language.

Docker also provides persistent storage, you can use Docker Volumes to store data outside of the container, which makes it easy to persist data even when the container is deleted. This allows you to easily manage the state of your application, and makes it easy to backup and restore data.

Docker also provides networking feature, you can use Docker networks to connect containers together, allowing them to communicate with each other. This allows you to easily build and deploy distributed applications, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Docker also provides automation feature, you can use Docker Compose to automate the deployment of multiple containers in a single command. This allows you to easily manage the dependencies of your application, and makes it easy to deploy and scale your application.

Docker can also beused for AI/ML development, it allows for reproducibility, isolation, and collaboration. With Docker, you can package your AI/ML application and its dependencies into a single container, which makes it easy to reproduce the exact environment in which your model was developed and trained. Additionally, Docker allows you to isolate the dependencies of your AI/ML application from the host system, making it easier to deploy the application on different machines. By sharing your containers with other developers, it makes it easy for them to run and test your AI/ML application.

Docker also allows for versioning of your containers, which can be useful when working with different versions of libraries and frameworks used in your AI/ML application. Furthermore, you can use Docker to run AI/ML applications on GPU-enabled machines, which is necessary for running computationally intensive tasks.

Docker can be very useful in the development of AI/ML applications, here are a few ways in which it can be used:

  1. Reproducibility: Docker allows you to package your application and its dependencies into a single container, which makes it easy to reproduce the exact environment in which your AI/ML model was developed and trained.
  2. Isolation: By using Docker, you can isolate the dependencies of your AI/ML application from the host system, making it easier to deploy the application on different machines.
  3. Collaboration: Docker allows you to share your containers with other developers, making it easy for them to run and test your AI/ML application.
  4. Versioning: Docker allows you to version your containers, which can be useful when working with different versions of libraries and frameworks used in your AI/ML application.
  5. GPU support: You can use Docker to run AI/ML applications on GPU-enabled machines, which is necessary for running computationally intensive tasks.
  6. Cloud-agnostic deployments: You can use Docker to deploy AI/ML applications to any cloud or on-premises infrastructure, without having to worry about dependencies and configurations.
  7. Automation: You can use Docker Compose to automate the deployment of multiple containers in a single command, including your AI/ML application and its dependencies.
  8. Deploying models: You can use Docker to deploy your trained models as a web service, with a web framework and a REST API, making it easy to consume the model from any application.

In conclusion, Docker is a powerful tool that allows developers to package and deploy applications in a containerized environment. It offers a wide range of benefits, including the isolation of application dependencies, easy scaling, and support for microservices-based architectures. Additionally, Docker can be used in AI/ML development, allowing for reproducibility and isolation of dependencies. With its ease of use and flexibility, Docker is a great choice for any developer looking to streamline their development and deployment processes.

Steps on Getting Started with Docker

  1. Install Docker on your machine: You can download the Docker Community Edition (CE) for your operating system from the Docker website.
  2. Start the Docker daemon: Once you have installed Docker, you need to start the Docker daemon in order for the command-line tools to communicate with it.
  3. Verify that Docker is running: You can use the command “docker info” in your command line to verify that the Docker daemon is running and that your installation is working correctly.
  4. Pull an image from a public repository: You can use the command “docker pull” in command line to download an image from a public repository. For example, you can pull the official “hello-world” image by running “docker pull hello-world”.
  5. Run a container: Once you have an image, you can use the command “docker run” to start a container. For example, you can run the “hello-world” container by running “docker run hello-world”.
  6. Start building your own images and customize your workflows with Dockerfile and compose file .
  7. Explore more features like volumes, networking, and more.

