tent depot
4 min readSep 16, 2019
Trade Show Booths

All Corporates dream of successfully launching a new product at trade shows and exhibitions. Not only do they dream and have a vision of creating a brand but allocate good budgets for exhibition projects and trade show marketing projects. How to capitalize on exhibition project and your Brand, How to make your products reach larger masses of people and get the right clientele, How to generate volume sales and optimize on the budgets, all this needs good introspection and ideas to work upon creatively at the Trade show. Few of the Important Ideas that I would like to share here so that your Dream Exhibition project will be a big success and a memorable one for the years to come. I would like to detail this into three sections.

a)Creative Trade shows Ideas prior to the show.

b)Creative Trade show Ideas During the show.

c)Creative Trade show Ideas After the show.

Custom Canopy Tents


1) Getting excited about the Exhibition project is as important as doing your homework. Get your team together and go for a brainstorming session a few hours before actually the show begins.

2) Plan for your time and define your budgets and activities well in advance by making all the paperwork.

3)Paperwork should contain the following details.

a)Make a list of all the companies who would be your prospects and send formal invitations to the key and important personnel in that company by sending emails or hard copies of invitation letters. Let the companies and personnel come to know that you are participating in the trade show.

b)Try to get a confirmation from the key personnel who would be attending the show so that gate entry formalities or check-in formalities can be quickly managed without wasting much time.

c)You can also work out the number of Brochures and catalogs to print and carry to the venue by verifying the number of attendees to your stall.

d)Decide about your booth trade show exhibits and material to carry to the venue and how are you going to install them .carry sufficient manpower to do the job of unpacking and installation.

3) Use social media platforms to advertise your participation at the trade show and use your creative talents.

4)Use synergy and cross-marketing techniques to place your products well at the trade show.

5) Use strategic and paid advertising methods to create advertisements for your products.

Tradeshow Displays


1)Distribute some brilliant free giveaways. They are the biggest crowd pullers and bring maximum footfalls to your booth during the show.

2)Make or order some interesting stationery with your name of company and products printed on it which take your product a long way to reach the maximum visitors or people.

3)Arrange for some creative games with prizes for the winners so that more visitors will spend time at your booth and interact with the representatives. “Spin and win” wheel games are popular games played at the exhibition.

5) keep Formal but interesting attire of all the representatives taking care of visitors.

4)Use all Digital media to educate the visitor about your product profile like IPADS, Hanging signs, LED Boards.

5) Collect and fill customer contact form from visitor and the product that he is feeling interested about. These forms should be specially designed and printed in sufficient number so that they will not feel short during the show. Every form filling visitor should be awarded a complimentary gift.

6) Never Forget to gather the feedback for your products and booth at the trade show from visitors attending your booth.


1)After the exhibition is over. Meet and thank all your team members for making the show a hit and to make all the shows success in the future.

2) Take a close look at all the leads and all the contacts. Follow up with all those leads by contacting the right people in the organization by sending a thank you message on social or any electronic media for having attended the show and your booth in particular.

3) Circulate all these leads to the respective Regional heads or National heads for further follow-ups.


Event marketing success begins by drawing the maximum audience towards your booth at the trade show. More the footfalls more the inquiries will be generated. More inquiries will result in greater volume sales and profit generations for the company. Ensure that this event will get success by using Interesting Trade show Display, Multiple colored displays and making your booth stand out in the crowd. Use contemporary designs of displays at the show. Unique designs of Trade show displays help you in connecting with the right audience.

This was a brief effort made about how trade shows can be more creative and how you can excel your brand at the show to reach and create the prospects faster and more successfully.

