Do clipless pedals give people more power?

Custom Recliner
11 min readSep 5, 2022


Do Clipless Pedals Really Make a difference?

What Are Clipless Pedals?

  • You can attach the bottoms of your shoes to your pedals using clipless pedals. Keep your foot in the best position possible for pedalling. Your foot’s ball should be at the pedal’s middle. Road cyclists, mountain bikers, commuters, bicycle tourists, and other riders choose clipless pedals.
  • All you have to do is step on the pedal to attach your foot. To let you know that you’re locked in, most systems emit a clicking noise. Swinging your heel out causes the cleat to separate from the pedal when you come to a stop and are prepared to take off your foot.
  • Bike riders previously used toe clips, straps, and cleats in place of clipless pedals. Most pre-modern bicycles had fixed gears, which meant they lacked a freewheel and could not coast, which is why riders kept their feet firmly planted on the pedal.
  • On a fixed gear bicycle, the pedals simply keep turning after the feet are removed. Even now, fixed-gear bicycles used in track cycling lack brakes, so riders must slow down their bikes by pedalling backwards.

Do clipless pedals make you move faster?

  • It has been established that clipless pedals accelerate you more quickly than flat or toe clips. Nevertheless, it depends on a variety of variables that may vary for each rider.
  • Because they enable the rider’s shoes to remain in continual touch with the bike, clipless pedals are fantastic. As a result, the cyclist is able to go forward during the full pedalling motion.
  • Another popular feature of clipless pedals is their capacity to enable you to ride more quickly over longer distances.
  • This is because they make it easier for you to sprint and climb, which enables you to take advantage of the flatter parts to recover and raises your overall average pace.

Do clipless pedals give people more power?

  • Comparatively, clipless pedals can be a lot more effective. This is due to the fact that they are made to always keep your feet firmly attached to the pedal.
  • You can have equal power on upstrokes and downstrokes as a result, giving you more total power.
  • This is especially helpful on steep climbs because you can push harder and quicker and utilise the flatter sections as active recovery because to the greater upstroke power.

Advantages Of Clipless Pedals For Cycling

  • In terms of efficiency, flat and clipless pedals are equally effective at a constant power rate on a constant road gradient. On steep hills with changing gradients, clipless pedals truly shine. The clipless method allows for a hard upstroke or two that keeps your bike from decelerating if the grade suddenly becomes steeper, you need to reduce your power to change gears, or you just want to give your legs a brief breather. The forceful upstroke of clip-in pedals again enables you to kick your back wheel up and over obstacles to maintain your momentum on rough, off-road climbs where your bike may stall on a pothole or large rock.
  • Clipless pedals provide you more control because you can steer with your feet and legs when you’re attached to the bike. You can manoeuvre technical trails with greater accuracy thanks to this. Imagine being able to easily hop or lift a tire over an obstacle in the trail. Additionally, you may control the bike without falling off by using your weight.
  • Going clipless enables you to apply greater force to the pedals since your feet are always in the optimum place and because lifting up allows you to pedal for a longer portion of the pedal stroke. This makes climbing and accelerating faster. The average power during their test, according to this interesting article from, was 757 watts while riding clipless and 694 watts on flats.
  • Clipless fixed pedals produced the greatest knee axial and varus moments, which were reduced by use of a clipless system allowing transverse rotation, with a 50% reduction in internal rotation moment at 250W power output, according to the scientific study Intervention at the foot-shoe-pedal interface in competitive cyclists from the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. According to my understanding, clipless pedals lessen knee stress by limiting unnatural knee movement. Of course, this is just one study’s finding, so it’s not particularly conclusive.
  • Your feet can’t leave the pedals — Even on wet, slick surfaces or uneven terrain, the cleats keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. This boosts confidence during challenging or technical trail sections. It’s one less thing to worry about if your feet take their foot off the pedal. This scientific study found that rigid shoes with clipless pedals are more effective than sneakers with flat pedals in terms of performance.
  • I’ve discovered that clipless pedals enable me to sustain a faster rate of power during brief power surges, such as those required to move your bike across sand-filled road washouts. Of course, this is only anecdotal. Watch this video of me cycling through a really sandy washout in Argentina.
  • With clipless pedals, you can ride more quickly. When you ride quickly, your feet occasionally desire to lift off the pedals or move about. You’ll slow down and lose your rhythm when this happens. Your feet stay precisely where you want them to with clipless pedals. Instead of keeping your feet in place, you might concentrate on your cadence.
  • With clipless pedals, you can always get on your bike with your feet in the same place. This enables you to fix your seat height accurately, maximising both your riding efficiency and comfort. Additionally, your knees and hips will benefit from this same alignment as well.
  • Foot Stability
  • Your feet won’t slide around on the pedals on bumpy and uneven roads. As a result, you may concentrate more on pedalling and sightseeing and less on getting your feet into the “perfect” position.

Disadvantages Of Clipless Pedals For Cycling

  • Injury from clipless pedals is possible if your bike fit and cleats are not properly adjusted. This can seriously harm your knees and hips. The most frequent symptom of improperly set clipless pedals is certainly knee pain. But don’t stress yourself out too much. If something is wrong, you’ll notice quite fast since you’ll start hurting either during the ride or right after. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that you need to adjust. Continue riding if you aren’t in any pain. The situation is fine.
  • Riding without clips is more expensive because special pedals, cleats, and shoes are required. Comparable flat pedals cost around 2–3 times cheaper than clipless pedals. The price range for a nice pair is $35–$70. The price range for clipless shoes is $60–120. Since you may wear any shoes you already own, riding on flat pedals eliminates the need for this expenditure. This additional expense is most likely related to production, development, and research. Flat pedals are simpler than clipless devices.
  • You’re going to crash — At some point, you’re going to halt, forget you’re fastened, and trip. Although embarrassing, everyone experiences it.
  • In order to ride safely and comfortably, the cleats must be set up and adjusted to the exact specifications required. Along with the angle, you can also change the fore/aft and side to side positions. If you don’t know what you’re doing, this may need a lot of trial and error. There is a small learning curve while setting up cleats. You might want to seek some assistance from a bike store while you’re just starting started. Check out this setup tutorial for cleats from bike radar to get started.
  • You must purchase and wear specialised footwear in order to use the clipless method. This means that you cannot simply get on your bike while wearing sandals or running shoes and go for a ride. If all you want to do is go to the bar or the grocery store, this is a little bothersome
  • Because riding clipless makes your setup more complex, there are more components that could break. You now have one more thing to worry about maintaining and stockpiling replacement parts for. For instance, a cleat may break or a bolt may disappear. If you’re in the middle of nowhere, this could be very annoying.
  • Additional Pair of Shoes You should bring an extra pair of shoes for walking about if you intend to do more than just ride. Shoes have a weight penalty of 400–800 grammes in addition to being relatively inefficient in terms of volume.
  • At times, the terrain becomes too rocky or steep, forcing you to push your bike (most commonly on off-road bikepacking routes). In this case, using a flat pedal and shoe arrangement could be preferable. On my touring bikes,

Advantages Of Flat Pedals

  • Flat pedals reduce the possibility of damage. Because your foot has more room to move on the pedal, you can’t accidentally harm your joints or create knee pain like you may with clipless. You automatically adjust your foot when you put it in an improper position to prevent pain and discomfort.
  • You’re less likely to trip or fall over since you have the option to do so in an urgent situation. No thought is required to unclip. This significantly lowers the risk of falling. With flat pedals, an accident won’t be as bad.
  • Riding on flat pedals saves money because you won’t have to purchase specialised pedals, cleats, or shoes. Any bike shop can sell you a cheap pair of flat pedals for just a few bucks. You can travel in your current footwear.
  • With flat pedals, your body spontaneously positions your foot in a comfortable and healthy position, so you don’t need to change or set up cleats. You won’t have to get off your bike and fiddle with your cleats because of this.
  • You can ride in any pair of shoes, boots, or sandals you own — specialty footwear is not required. This is convenient if all you want to do is hop on your bike and head to the supermarket. You can use boots to keep your feet warm if you ride in the cold. You don’t need to wear a certain set of shoes in order to ride a bike. Even while riding barefoot is permitted, it is not advised for safety reasons.
  • It’s convenient to be able to shift your foot around on the pedal during a long day of biking in order to prevent weariness. Flat pedals make it simple to modify your foot position. To give my foot’s ball a break while touring, I’ll occasionally pedal with my heel or centre of my foot for a moment.
  • There is no need to pack a second pair of shoes when you go for a ride because you can easily walk in the same shoes that you ride in. This is especially useful when touring by bicycle because you’ll want to be able to get off your bike and explore. If you ride a bike and hike frequently, it’s also nice.
  • Because clipless pedals keep your feet and legs rigidly in the same position at all times, some cyclists believe flat pedals are easier for the knees in the long run. Repeatedly moving your legs in the same manner may be difficult on the joints. With flat pedals, you can make minor foot modifications to prevent activating your joint in the same way repeatedly. Despite this, science does not support this notion. The float feature of clipless pedals helps to solve this issue. In any case, I thought I’d bring up this matter for your consideration.

Disadvantages Of Flat Pedals

  • With flat pedals, you can’t apply as much power because your feet aren’t always in the right place to generate optimum power. When attempting to accelerate quickly or climbing a steep hill, this is apparent. However, you may match the performance of clipless with practise and strong technique. Some bikers even claim that flat pedals increase power.
  • Flat pedals make it more difficult to sustain a high cadence, which is why relatively few road cyclists today use them. The average RPM for bikers is around 60. Professional cyclists operate at 80–100 RPM. When using flat pedals at a high cadence, your flat pedals might continue moving more quickly than your legs even if you slow down or make a mistake. This slows you down and disrupts your entire pedalling rhythm. When you’re weary, you often start putting unrhythmic pressure on the pedals. When this occurs, it’s simple to miss a stroke or take your foot off the flat pedal. With clipless pedals, the cranks are kept turning at the same rate as you are pedalling,
  • Less control is provided by flat pedals, making it more challenging to raise a wheel or jump over an obstacle. For instance, you might need to move your back tyre 3 inches to the right to avoid a rut in the track that you can see coming up. You can move your wheel quite easily by lifting it or sliding it with clipless pedals. Your bike follows you as you jump or lift your legs. The same movements can be performed with flat pedals. Just more skill is needed. With flat pedals, obstructions just cannot be avoided as quickly and precisely.
  • Because they are large, flat pieces of metal, flat pedals are heavier. Flat pedals are not recommended if you are the type of person who carefully monitors every gramme on your bike. There are models made of lighter plastic, but they are less robust.
  • When riding in difficult or slick conditions, your feet may come off. Your foot can just rebound. A missed stroke occurs as a result, slowing you down.

est Clipless Pedals

1- Clipless Platform Pedals

  • If you anticipate getting on and off your bike frequently, platform pedals with a clip-in mechanism on only one side are an option. The clip-in side is given priority due to their weighting. With these pedals, you can ride for short distances in sandals or spend lengthy periods of time in the saddle in clipless footwear. I presently use Shimano T8000 pedals for my two-year bicycle tour (CyclingAbout The Americas), and I previously used Shimano T780 pedals for more than 50,000 kilometres.


2-Clipless Pedals with a Dual Entry

  • Double-sided clipless pedals are the more minimal pedal option and are a little quicker to enter if you tend to ride all day and wander around at night. Shimano MTB pedals, particularly the M8000, have proven to be the most durable over time in my experience.


Other Suggested Pedals

1- Ergon pedals

  • The concave shape of these pedals makes it comfortable for your foot to rest inside of them. They don’t have a lot of grip, making them preferable for usage on sealed roads, but they do include a ridge on the inside that keeps your feet from drifting near the crank arms


2- Horizontal Pedal Straps

  • Look no further than Fyxation if you desire straps but prefer the horizontal style. Both their straps and their pedals are essentially unbreakable.


3- Diagonal pedal straps

  • Numerous various pedals with reflector mounting will suit these straps. When you straighten your foot after entering the straps at a 45-degree angle, the diagonal straps tighten, allowing you to pull on the upstroke while climbing steep slopes. The Restrap diagonal straps are shown below, but Power Grips are even more common for touring.


4- Flat MTB Pedals

  • Long spikes and a broad platform are features of flat pedals made for off-road use that maximise the traction of your walking shoe. The disadvantages are that the pins may prematurely erode the rubber of your shoes, and you have to be careful not to poke your shins with them. The Shimano Saint MX80 pedals are the best in my opinion for extended rides (more than 20,000 km). As an alternative, the team suggests the Kona Wah Wah at a reasonable price and the Pedaling Innovations Catalyst if you like to ride with your feet together.




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