Evolution of Airport Security, or Why We Have to Take Off Our Shoes

Teodor Teofilov
5 min readMay 31, 2018
Courtesy of Pixabay

Your long-planned holiday trip to the tropics is coming. After months of hard work and long hours, you are ready to enjoy the much needed and deserved vacation. You pack your bags, make your way to the airport, ready to travel to paradise and relax. The golden beaches, the blue water and the warm sun high in the clear sky await you. You can’t wait to take your towel and place it on the heated, golden specks of sand, lie atop of it with your favorite cold cocktail in hand and enjoy the slight breeze.

Sounds wonderful. Deserved and needed.

But wait! Before you reach the tropics you need to get through the most dreaded part of the trip — airport security.

If you fly often you know what is coming. As you slowly weave your way through the mile-long snake line of human bodies toward the security checkpoint, you hear the all so familiar beeps of people setting off the alarm.


Everyone avoids eye contact with the hardened criminal as he dares forget a metal object somewhere on his persona. Out of the corner of your eye, you barely make out the culprit rummaging through his pockets trying to find the cause. The daring perpetrator is firmly but politely asked to step aside and join another line.



Teodor Teofilov

Reporter from Bulgaria. Freelance journalist and founder of @PlainPerfectly.