Science for sport

Alvaro Guintero
3 min readNov 20, 2019


The best online learning resource for all things related to sports science.

Science for Sports is an extremely useful resource for anyone trying to expand their knowledge when it comes to sports. Starting from the simple fact that everyone has access to the information that are in their field of interest in a very simple and fast way. Not only that those information are easily accessible, but they are of very high quality. This online learning resource provides online courses, books, articles, videos that are very helpful for everyone who is trying to get into the sport industry. What is most important is that this website is run by experienced, highly-educated professionals which contributes to the accuracy of all the offered data. As a young person, who is trying to become a professional trainer, I find the online courses more than useful. They give you the opportunity to learn about the training methodologies, the tactics that one needs in order to become a trusted coach, and the tools that are necessary when it comes to working with people and gaining their trust. Sports science courses are normally a balance between theoretical and practical work.

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The second best thing I like about this website is the online magazine that is offered. Doing this as a profession requires more than just physical exercise as most think. The key lies in the constant upgrading in the educational field as a step towards self-realization. The Performance Digest is the perfect tool that is offered by this website for achieving one of this steps . All the latest and profound researches in one place. By reading you get a sense of perspective, learning what makes the greats great, and being reminded of why we do what we do : these are little doses of inspiration all athletes and coaches need ona regular basis — a book , a sports magazine,online course or a research article can be just the ideal addition to an coaches arsenal of motivation sources. It’s also more than useful to have the opportunity to read what experts think about the recent sports science researches. Here you can find statements by experts and practical takeaways on food, sleep, strength, activities and much more.

The Performance Digest

You can learn about injuries , recovery methods, motivation and psychological preparedness etc. Also, there are blog posts you can follow some constructive discussions in the world of sports science. Based on the aforementioned it is more than clear that this website provides information that are not easily obtained from other places.

All in all, the website is not only perfect for getting the information you need , but for motivating and reminding yourself why you want to become a professional trainer!

