AlanSecretary of the Navy Guest Lecture by Former Secretary of Defense Mr.The guiding philosophy of PRC’s foreign policy in the Deng Xiaoping era: Hide your strength and bide your time. Whereas Xi rushed and…Nov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2022
AlanBalancing vs bandwagon: alliances as a response to threatWhen entering an alliance, states may either balance or bandwagon. To balance means to ally in opposition to the principal source of…Nov 29, 2022Nov 29, 2022
AlanKenneth Waltz’s View on Nuclear Proliferation & Rational Deterrence TheoryBased on Kenneth Waltz’s observation on the proliferation of nuclear weapon, nuclear weapon tends to have a stabilizing effect. As states…Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
AlanMan, the State, and War by Kenneth Waltz (Realist).Waltz’s three images of international relations.Oct 29, 2022Oct 29, 2022