Why & how I will share my health data

Teo Zanella
1 min readFeb 4, 2020


Today, ownership and accessibility of one’s health data vary from country to country, but generally, our ability to control our own data is non-existent.

We need tools that enable meaningful and safe use of our health data to open up opportunities for all of us to:

  1. Get personalized care recommendations harnessing the experience of others with similar conditions
  2. Make it effortless for care providers to get up to speed on our care needs. None of us want to repeat multiple times the excruciating details of our health challenges to strangers over and over.
  3. Advance science. Studies suggest that people will be willing to contribute their health data for the right cause — this is what we need to all live healthier and longer lives.

The path to health data sharing thought it’s also the path of better privacy controls. The controls needed are not only technical (e.g., interoperability standards such as the Apple Health Kit or the Google Health API ), they must also offer appropriate legal protection.

Getting the most from our health data does not rest only on individuals; it is a collaboration between governments, lawyers, technologists, providers, and payers.

So what? Join me to:

  1. Push stakeholders, providers, regulators to make access and sharing personal health data available, while also create enforceable legal protections.
  2. Build digital solutions that respect privacy and allows the individuals generating the data to control it.
  3. Share your learnings.

All views are my own.



Teo Zanella

Product Exec | Advisor | Coach | All views are my own