
2 min readOct 30, 2015


It’s an early day almost every day. At 6:00 AM I’m already awake, if not I snooze the alarm until it’s 6:20 AM. By the time it’s 7:00 AM I’m out of the house and on my way to traffic. At 7:30 I’m at TCF Stadium and pulling into a parking spot and walking to class. If I’m early enough I catch the campus shuttle at 7:40 AM.

Usually I’m in bed by 10:00 or 11:00 PM, but this week I had to write a lab report that took two nights going to sleep at 2:00 AM and two more nights sleeping at 1:00 AM. I had to write a draft paper for Monday, read 10 pages, and pick a topic for our final project for Wednesday for my writing class; study for a chemistry test on Wednesday; and do calculus homework and study for a quiz for Tuesday. So everything was really bunched up and it took a lot of 4 hour and 5 hour sleep nights. I’m not sure how I managed to get it all done, but what really helped out was the fact that my boss gave me Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off, so it gave me more time to work on my homework.

Waking up Thursday morning was the best, 10:00 AM, no class, only work til 3:00 PM and stress free finally. This week was crazy homework wise, but it’s all done and now all I have to worry about is pumpkin carving and taking my brother out for Trick-Or-Treating, then maybe go out!

This is Andy for his first Halloween as Yoda :)
And this is his second Halloween as Spider-Man :)

