Terawatt Blogging and Video Contest

Terawatt LED
2 min readJun 19, 2018


Our private sale is going to start very soon and we have decided to announce a contest to everyone who is able to promote Terawatt. Today we are launching a contest for authors, reviewers, bloggers and YouTubers. The total prize fund for this contest is 10,000 LED tokens worth $4000 USD.

What is Terawatt?

Terawatt​ is a patent-pending, renewable energy blockchain startup, with a strong focus on monetization and driving global L.E.D. adoption. Terawatt will create a DAO​, and also a deflationary​ Ethereum-based, private (zk-SNARKS) currency​ for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, token holders, and energy customers worldwide. The DAO will act like a decentralized global insurance fund​ to ensure Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which constantly runs out) for subsidizing L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or for businesses upgrading to L.E.D.s).

Spread the word about Terawatt or make a project review — in any way you like

Useful links:

  1. Official website of the project
  2. White Paper

Terms and conditions

  1. Write an article, review or make a video about Terawatt

2. Submit the details here

3. Wait for the final results for the contest which will be posted on our official blog after the end of our crowdsale

Duration : From 19/06/2018 to 19/08/2018

Prizes :

1st Prize : 5000 LED tokens

2nd Prize : 3000 LED tokens

3rd Prize : 2000 LED tokens

Good luck!

