Maksym Terentyev
3 min readMay 12, 2023

Balancing a game is an essential part of game development that ensures the game is fun, challenging, and fair. Game balance is achieved by tweaking the game mechanics, enemy difficulty, and other parameters until the gameplay experience is polished and well-rounded.

In this article, we will explore a step-by-step guide for balancing a 2D platformer game with combat features. We will discuss the main aspects to work on while balancing. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of setting benchmarks for key game balance parameters such as Time to Kill (TTK) and provide an example of how to use benchmarks to ensure that combat is challenging but not frustrating for players.

Step 1: Determine the player’s strengths and weaknesses

  • Identify the abilities and attributes of the player character, such as health, speed, jump height, combat skills, and any special abilities.
  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the player character in relation to enemies and obstacles in the game.
  • Consider benchmarks for the game, such as completion time for levels and difficulty progression.

Example: In our 2D platformer with combat, the player character is a knight who has 100 health, can jump up to 3 blocks high, can swing a sword to attack enemies, and has a fire attack that can damage enemies over time. The benchmark completion time for the first level is 2 minutes, and the difficulty should progress steadily throughout the game.

Step 2: Determine the strengths and weaknesses of enemies

  • Identify the abilities and attributes of enemies, such as health, speed, attack power, and behavior.
  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses of enemies in relation to the player's character.
  • Consider benchmarks for enemy encounters, such as time to defeat enemies and difficulty progression.

Example: The enemies in our game include goblins who have 50 health, can move quickly, and attack with a spear. The benchmark time to defeat a goblin is 2–3 sword swings, and the difficulty should progress steadily throughout the game.

Step 3: Create a combat balance sheet

  • Create a spreadsheet or chart that lists all player and enemy attributes and compares their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Use this sheet to calculate damage values and adjust health and attack power as needed to ensure that combat is fair and challenging.
  • Consider benchmarks when making adjustments.

Example: Using our example character and enemy, we can update our balance sheet to include benchmark calculations:

Balance table

Step 4: Playtest and adjust

  • Test the game with a variety of players and adjust the balance as needed based on player feedback.
  • Make adjustments to health and attack power as well as benchmark values to ensure that combat is fair, challenging, and satisfying.

Example: After playtesting, we may find that the benchmark completion time for a level is too long or too short, so we may adjust the layout of the level or enemy encounters to achieve the desired benchmark time. We may also find that the benchmark time to defeat a goblin is too long or too short, so we may adjust health and attack power values to achieve the desired benchmark TTK.

Step 5: Iterate and refine

  • Continuously playtest and adjust the game balance as needed throughout development and after release.
  • Use player feedback and analytics to identify areas of the game that may need further balance adjustments, including benchmark values.

Example: After releasing the game, we may receive feedback from players that the benchmarks for certain levels or enemies are too easy or too difficult, so we may adjust the values accordingly to improve balance and challenge. We may also use analytics to track player progress and identify areas where benchmarks may need adjustment to ensure that the game remains challenging and satisfying.

Hope this article will help you to make your first steps in game balance and create a game of your life! Clap if you found it helpful and leave a comment so I know what you want to learn more about game balance and game design. Bye:)

Maksym Terentyev

Game Designer with broad expirience in mobile, indie, and AAA projects.