Founders Mindset: Avoiding Burnout, Burned Bridges and Your Quarter-Life Crisis (Part Two)

Terence Latimer
8 min readSep 25, 2019

Avoiding Burnout, Burned Bridges, and Your Quarter Life Crisis

This is the second part of a series regarding startup culture, high expectations for founders and the mental toll of running and growing a business.

The first part describes mental health in America, the myth of work-life balance, and self-care tactics.

This second post describes burned bridges, your quarter-life crisis and The Startup Sharks Method to Self-Care

Avoiding burnout won’t guarantee startup success. That falls on you, your team and the opinion of your customers.

Sidestepping burnout means that you tiptoe around its consequences.

Consequences like not bringing your A-game.

Or making a choice that negatively effects your team.

Don’t make costly professional and personal mistakes; when you have others relying on you, you learn quickly how mistakes lead to burned bridges.

Relationships are among the most valuable currency small business owners and founders can leverage, especially early on.



Terence Latimer

Information and Communications Technologist based in Twentynine Palms. I like simplifying complex problems via innovative solutions