The Never Ending Gravel: Turning Epic Mountains into Manageable Boulders — How to Launch Your First Digital Product

Terence Latimer
9 min readJun 13, 2019

Intro: There you were, dreaming up your latest startup idea.

Quicker than you were able to say “I’ll build it!” Jeff Bezos and his army of engineers had already solved the problem.

Don’t fret!

The promised land isn’t as far away as you think.

Your epic mountain, that magical place reserved for the legends of business, is not so far away.

Learn about the EPIC MOUNTAIN product development hack that will help you launch your first digital product hassle free.

Entrepreneurs, Creatives and Non-Technical Founders

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Terence Latimer

Information and Communications Technologist based in Twentynine Palms. I like simplifying complex problems via innovative solutions