15 Quora Adultery Questions Answered

The Dear Abby of adultery

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Scarlett Letter
8 min readJan 28, 2021


Okay, I’m a geek. I really wanted to try this, so here it is, my first gif picture (Image: Author on Canva.com)

DEAR TERESA: My boyfriend peed in our bed, what should I do?

DEAR NOAH’S WIFE: Change the sheets and make sure he’s not a serial killer.

Not a cheating question, but Jesus, WTF, does he need a pull up?

DEAR TERESA: What if I think my wife is cheating?

DEAR THINKER: Ask yourself why you think that. Have you given her a reason to cheat? What could you do to treat her better? Try making her life easier and see if that changes the things that make you think she’s cheating on you.

Women cheat for a reason, so if you think they are, without being an idiot, maybe look around and see if there’s something you can do to remind her why she married you. As I always say, start by cleaning a toilet.

DEAR TERESA: Is there a difference in infidelity when you married for a short time in your mid-20s then when you cheat after +15 years married and in your 40+?

DEAR THERE’S NO DIFFERENCE: No, I wouldn’t say so. I would say that by time you cheat in your forties you really know what you want from a lover.

I said no, because it is still cheating, but when I started cheating in my forties it was because I knew exactly what I wanted. I could also feel time not

