How To Cheat

Don’t Be Rudy Giuliani — How To Spot Adulterous Honeypot Traps

You aren’t that sexy

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
Sex and Satire
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2020


Spilled honey on a counter. Avoid the honeypot trap.
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Is anyone surprised Rudy Giuliani fell for the Borat honeypot trap? They shouldn’t be. Men fall for this one all the time. Learn how to spot and avoid them.

To understand how to spot the honeypot trap, you first need to know how most women communicate about sexy things and why.

How women communicate about sex

Women get hit on every day of their lives. They get checked out, they get ogled, or just plain stared at. They can’t wear form-fitting clothing and walk past a man without him looking at her figure. Sometimes she dresses for a particular man’s attention, but more often than not, she does it because she likes the clothes.

Women check men out. The difference is women are better at hiding it. Today, as in the day you are reading this sentence, women who display any sexual interest are murdered in some countries, and female genitals are mutilated in childhood, so they can’t enjoy sex as adults.

The take-away is the world hates women and hates women who like sex even more.

We may be more progressive in the west now, but that didn’t happen by accident. It took work. Even now, women in…

