Living My Best Double Life

Losing Weight & What My Affair Partner Said About it

What all men should say to their women.

Heart Affairs
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2020


Photo by Huha Inc. on Unsplash

I put on more than my fair share of Covid weight. At first, I had a routine and was maintaining my weight. Through the late spring, though, eating became one of the only diversions I had other than Netflix.

There’s no chill in our house, and the last time there was chill, there was no Netflix.

By early summer, I had gained about twenty-five pounds or so. More than I needed and the hub started in with his usual ‘pig jokes.’

It wasn’t until a girlfriend mentioned I was looking a little tired that I decided to do something. I was feeling sluggish and needed to shake it off.

So I joined Weight Watchers, not thinking it would work, but I’ve lost thirty-five pounds so far.

I met my lover a handful of times as I expanded and contracted, but he never said a word. And based on his enthusiasm for my body, he didn’t seem to notice my tighter bras and pants.

But when he finally did say something, I nearly cried.

On our way home from our last date, we talked about my weight loss and the goals I set. I feel comfortable talking about my weight with him…

