3 min readAug 31, 2017


What are Karaoke Machine and How do They Work?

When you hear the word karaoke, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Perhaps, the words singer, party and having fun are just few of the words that you will immediately associate it with. But exactly, what are karaoke machine and how did it came to be known as it is?

Karaoke is actually a Japanese word that means empty orchestra. As we all know, karaoke is a form of entertainment that allows everybody to sing while reading the lyrics from the display screen accompanied by a pre-recorded music video or music. Either you show a full-on performance with an audience or enjoy it in the privacy of your home with your family and friends; you will be able to showcase your singing talent and ability with it.

Through the years, it did not only become just a hobby or something to typically pass the time, but it has turned into a part of people’s lifestyle and culture. It is ideal for any bonding and get-together with family and friends, parties or merely just to have some clean fun and enjoyment. At the same time, it became as a training ground for amateur and would-be singers to perfect and further hone their singing prowess and skills.

The electronic device that makes karaoke and all its playbacks possible is called the karaoke machine. And it can be hooked either to a television set or computer to be able to enjoy an all day and all night of alternate singing among groups for depth information you may visit top10suggest karaoke machine

While it came to be known in the market as early as 1970s, the innovated and modernized models we enjoy using right now is composed of a music player, speakers, cordless microphone, and background music. Different songs and music can be downloaded and saved and, at the same time it operates using laser disk, DVD, VCD or CD-G formats.

How do these machine work?

Karaoke machines are normally attached to a TV set or computer, whereusers, who are amateur, frustrated and wannabe singers will be able to see the lyrics of the song they selected as they sing along with the music. It also consists of an input and output audio and an integrated system that allows you to make some changes on the pitch and tone of the music that is being played, so the singer can perform on the key she is comfortable with.

Basically, the user will have to select the song he or she wants and input it on the machine. After that, the music will start to play and the lyrics will appear on the TV screen gradually as you go on. Users usually select songs he or she is familiar with so it will be easy and a breeze to sing and belt along with, and hitting all the notes while keeping up with the rhythm. This is also because the karaoke machine would conceal the pre-recorded voice of the original singer in it, while the video, music and lyrics playcontinuously.

What makes it even exciting is the fact that it will score your performance, bringing out the competitive spirit in each one and making everything more enjoyable and fun. There is, however, a trick to it in order for you to ace your performance and outwit everyone else.

Karaoke machines are created and programmed to recognize the amplitude and not necessarily the quality of singing or the beautiful voice. Therefore, in order to get the highest and coveted perfect score, you just need to sing with the right timing and be right in the exact same moment the lyrics pops up on the screen. It doesn’t even matter if you are already yelling on the microphone like what we unconsciously do when we start losing our soberness, because it in fact can result to high scores as long as you utter those words at the right timing. Funny it may seem, but the machine will not be able to even recognize if you are saying the right lyrics or not.

So the next time you will plan or be invited on a karaoke session, you know how to win those bets and get the perfect score. And it obviously does not require singing with the perfect tone, pitch and lyrics.

