Is The Gibbon Experience worth the money?

Ter Hollmann
4 min readMay 22, 2020


The Gibbon Experience is truly an unforgettable life choice. Travel deep into the Laotian jungle and enjoy 3 nights in some of the world’s highest tree houses. Spend your days ziplining from tree to tree in search of the elusive gibbons, relaxing by a waterfall or playing cards and marvelling at the view of endless green from the highest reaches of the jungle.

It sounds amazing but it comes with a hefty price attached, especially if you are travelling on a budget.

The start of an adventure

My girlfriend and I were travelling through the night in a taxi bus from Pai in Thailand to Hauy Xai in Laos where we were going to catch a river boat to Luang Prabang. As so often happens when you are travelling we started up a convo with a stranger who told us of The Gibbon Experience. It sounded too good to be true but after a little research on the internet we were sold. We had fortunately budgeted extra for unforeseen experiences. After being deposited in Chiang Khong on the Thai border we phoned The Gibbon Experience office. The voice on the other end told us that they had just had a cancellation and there were two spots available. We took it as a sign.

A two hour bus ride later and a 15 minute drive down a dirt track and we found ourselves walking with a guide into the jungle with six other travellers all of us filled with the excitement of knowing that the next few days would probably give us memories we would never forget.

At basecamp we were given a brief overview of how everything worked and then we ziplined into the treehouse where we would be staying. After settling in our guide took us on a tour of the jungle and the ziplines. We were given clear safety instructions as well plenty of information on the dangers we could expect. You don’t want to be at the top of a tree in a lightning storm. Then like kids in a candy store we were let loose on the jungle.

Thrill ride above the jungle

If you are terrified of heights then The Gibbon Experience will be challenging but otherwise the ziplining provides an exhilarating and almost Zen like experience. It offers a different perspective of the world below. They are some of the highest and longest lines I have ever ridden over some of the most beautiful landscape I have ever seen. It conveys the majesty of the jungle like nothing else.

When we had had our fill of flying from tree to tree we headed back to the tree house to relax and enjoy a dinner brought to us on the ziplines by our guides. The food was sourced mainly from the surrounding jungle and was healthy and delicious. We spent the rest of the evening getting to know the other travellers while playing cards and drinking beer.

We woke up early the next morning so we could hear the cries of the Gibbons. They sound like a computer game being played somewhere deep in the jungle, “pew, pew, pew.” Breakfast came in the same way as dinner and then our guide took us for hike to try and see the Gibbons. Only the lucky spot these amazing creatures in the wild. They are shy and elusive. We were not one of the chosen that morning but walking in the primary forest is its own reward and we returned to the treehouse with our souls nourished and our muscles tired.

Best shower in the world

After lunch we grabbed our harnesses and headed out to zip and zap once more. The freedom afforded on the experience is a real privilege. You are trusted to take care of yourself and to respect the world, this is not something you find often in the over safety conscious west. If you decide to do the experience I implore you to respect the freedom you have been given. Back at base I was hot and sweaty and rewarded myself with a shower. The shower is probably the best thing about the three days. You stand naked behind a curtain staring out at the jungle 40 odd metres above the ground with the stars above you. I never wanted to get out.

The rest of the trip follows pretty much the same format, eat, hike, lunch zip, cards, beer and conversation. We headed out of the jungle on our last day with a sense of both joy and sadness. We were happy to have experienced such wonders but dreading the goodbye. Chances are none of us would return to repeat the experience. We swopped email addresses and phone numbers at the main office and then we all went our separate ways.

The Gibbon Experience is a unique opportunity to see the world in a different way and if you have the money I would absolutely recommend it. If you don’t look at your itinerary and see what you could leave out to make it possibility. It really is that good.



Ter Hollmann

Ter is a professional writer with a passion for gadgets and a yearning for far away lands. You can find him at