Earn Real Ternio Tokens


3 times per week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we will give away real TERN tokens. The tokens will be shipped to the winner(s).

This does not require registration, but rather participation.

This will run until April.

In order to win a real TERN token, you must show the world your support! Create a forum post, blog post, youtube video, infographic, or whatever you would like. The content of your post is completely up to you. However, the person with the BEST show of support will win. Please read through the rules below.

  • *New winners are announced 3 times a week.
  • Create a forum post, blog post, youtube video, infographic, or whatever you would like.
  • Be Creative!


1. submit the link to contest@ternio.io

2. It can be in whatever format you decide: a forum post, blog post, youtube video, infographic, or whatever you would like. Use your imagination!

3. It must be positive — no negativity :)

4. You can create at any time, on any day.

5. Each week you will have to make something new in order to enter the contest for that week.

6. You are welcome to use your own affiliate link.

7. If you are selected, your username will be called out in the Telegram channel.



Ternio - Enterprise Grade Blockchain Technology

Ternio has solved the issues related to blockchain scalability and payment utility of cryptocurrency. https://ternio.io/ and https://getblockcard.com/