TerraFloki NFT Genesis Collection: All you need to know

8 min readNov 3, 2021

The big day is upon us. We are less than 48 hours away from the minting of the very first Flokis and introducing them into the Terraverse. The Flokiverse will be born along with the mint of Genesis Collection. The second ticket farm will be opened same day. Moving your $TFLOKI to the next farm will be very easy. Each month for the first 6 months there will be 1000 tickets to farm, what means 1000 NFTs per generation.

The Genesis Generation of Flokies will be the strongest one and will provide the Flokiverse with the right foundation for building a new world. In the future, new unique Flokies — children and grandchildren of the Genesis Flokies — will appear and support the Flokiverse with their unique abilities.

We also cannot forget about the goodies that NFT holders will receive — $TFLOKI airdrops! 1% of total supply will be airdropped each month to all holders of Floki NFTs, which places holders of Genesis Collection in the best position because their share of airdrops will be the biggest. Airdrop will be available for all the NFT holders before the end of each farm period. There will be no snapshot, and holders will be able to claim their share of airdrop inside our dApp (one share per Floki).

Genesis Collection holders also hold special privileges for the upcoming Landlord Planetary Auction as they will be able to participate in the minting process 1 hour before everyone else and mint one planet for themselves for each Genesis Collection NFT they hold. 1000 planets will be available for direct sale and 24 special planets will be auctioned.


Every generation of Flokies is divided into 4 classes — Florrior, Flizard, Flunter and Flarmer. With the introduction of new generations, time in the Flokiverse would have passed and new technologies would be discovered. Flokies would exchange their rudimentary swords and bows for cutting-edge (pun intended) laser guns with a change in attributes. However, the initial class characteristics will remain the same.

Each class has its own possibilities and limitations. More about how different classes can interact with Flokiverse will be revealed at a later stage. But one thing is for certain, the classes will be balanced as each of them is needed for the Floki civilization to prosper. Based on the characteristics of each class, there is a maximum base level for each of the 6 skills.


Skills — TerraFloki’s approach to NFT attributes

The element that influences the outcome of every skirmish, mission and acquired resource depends on the abilities of each individual Floki. Flokiversian communities will only ever be as strong as each of the individual NFTs that are a constituent. When a Floki is born, the gods of the Terraverse will design a set of skills for it. That’s where the Gaussian distribution-based algorithm we have developed comes into play. Using this algorithm, we will generate a randomized set of values for each Floki’s skill. Our team believes this will allow us to achieve a fair distribution of values. Just like in real life, most of the Flokies will be mediocre and the possibilities to develop their skills further will be limited. But the Gaussian distribution provides for exceptions — there will be those who are geniuses at birth and also underdogs — who may be born weaker than others — but with the proper guidance may become the strongest individuals. Their true strength lies in their uniqueness.

But first, let’s dive deeper into the skills of Flokies and some of its utilities. There are 6 skills in total: Attack, Defence, Charisma, Stamina, Agility & Technology.


  • Solo: Determines % of chance to hit the enemy
  • As part of Squad: Forms part of attack power of whole squad


  • Solo: Determines % of chance to defend from ACCURATE hit
  • As part of squad: Forms part of defence power of whole squad


  • Allows Floki to achieve certain goals without aggression
  • In adventure mode, it can be a % chance that a certain scenario will be successful
  • Grants additional Voting Power in DAO


  • Renewable value that is used in all battles and time-based actions
  • Lower stamina reduces values of other skills for a certain amount of time


  • Determines % chance to succeed during special actions (e.g. climbing, swimming)
  • Gives players a % chance for successful special action in an adventure mission.
  • Evasion: Functions as additional defensive skill in battle


  • Skill that is most useful at the later phases of the game, when Flokies begin to form communities
  • New technologies will provide increased benefits (e.g. increased rate of resource extraction)

Rarity and Skill Levels: The potential for Upskilling is dependent on the Floki’s Rarity

Rarity and skill levels are separate attributes. However, the mix of both will have a tremendous impact on the gameplay and individual value of each Floki. The way how both are mixed will determine if your Floki will become a future leader of Flokiverse or just an everyman (or rather, everyfloki).

It is not apparent how skilled a Floki is when you simply look at him. However, rarity may be visible at first glance.

Rarity is all about attributes — headwear, body, weapon and its colors. How much you can upskill your Floki depends on its rarity. Upskilling is to be done during Upskilling Missions — which are time-based and require a certain amount of $TFLOKI for every level up. Below are your chances to mint Floki of different rarities and how much you can upskill your character.

Potential for Upskill based on rarity

Leveling the playing field for all

We all understand that the rarity of NFT characters, planets and resources could make the game out of reach for many players. However, we truly value the community and understand that you are the reason this game exists. This is why almost everything in-game can be rented for some time without paying for it upfront. Gains from renting will be shared with the Owner in the form of a “tax” on every mission and action you perform. New players will also have the opportunity to test the game with regular Flokies, which are much weaker than Floki NFTs but still allow the Players to experience the gameplay and possibilities of the Flokiverse.

The main difference between Floki NFTs and subscribed Floki is that you can never truly own a subscribed Floki. This rule will never be changed — till the end of Flokiverse.

A promising and exciting future awaits

Last month was a huge push for all Flokies. What we did as a community was tremendous and unexpected. We gave Flokies hope — enough hope to lead them out of the Dark Ages. There’s a sea of new possibilities in front of them. The activity and pace in the upcoming month will be even greater and much more will be revealed. The second ticket farm will open in just a few hours after the minting of the Genesis Collection has ended. The next generation of Flokies will be born to a more vivid Flokiverse — one that has already been cultivated by their ancestors that are living under the watchful eye of newly chosen Planet Landlords. The new generation will be a part of the New World Collection.


What would the minting process look like?

There is a seperate tab available on the website (currently greyed out) with the minting tab (a specially curated front end was developed for the first minting event — look out for it!). After pressing on the minting tab, a prompt will appear for you to input your password on Terra Station. After you approve the transaction, the transaction will cost 1 $TFTIC from your wallet and the Terra transaction fee.

Will someone who owns multiple NFTs in a single wallet be able to mint multiple planets before public auction?

Yes. For example, if someone owns 5 NFTs, they will be able to mint 5 planets altogether, of course assuming that they have sufficient funds for the transaction.

When will it be possible to send the NFTs for missions and create squads? Any date known yet?

Definitely before the second farm finishes, some play-to-earn content will be delivered. However, we do not have a specific date at this point.

Where will the secondary market for NFTs be?

TerraFloki Marketplace v1 will be launched along with the first mint. After the NFT mint, you will be able to trade them on our website here (currently grayed out).

Will there be any additional cost of minting an NFT?

There will not be any additional fees. Only the usual transaction fees on Terra.

How long will the minting process be open for?

The mint for the Genesis Collection will be open for as long as the final NFT from Genesis Collection is minted. For example, even in a few years, when someone manages to put together 1 whole ticket, they will be able to enter the website and mint their NFT.

Do you burn $TFLOKI when farming tickets?

No, $TFLOKI is not being burned while farming.

What will be the currency in the marketplace?


I need 1 entire ticket to claim an NFT?

Yes, 1 ticket = 1 NFT

What about ticket fractions after the farm ends?

You will be able to trade tickets all the time, you will be able to sell fractions of tickets from one collection (to UST) and buy fractions from other collections (any time as long it will be available).

Will it be possible to preview NFTs from individual collections on the website?

Yes, in the NFT Squad tab, you will be able to preview your NFTs and carry out additional actions.

Why am I unable to see $TFLOKI/$TFTIC in my wallet?

You need to add the tokens manually at the Terra Station

TFLOKI: terra1u2k0nkenw0p25ljsr4ksh7rxm65y466vkdewwj

TFTIC: terra1a8k3jyv3wf6k3zngza5h6srrxcckdf7zv90p6u

$TFLOKI Airdrop for Genesis holders. Will it be per wallet, or per NFT?

Per NFT. You will be able to collect it until the end of the second farming period.

Will the airdrop be one-off or vesting?

There will be no vesting. We have prepared an easy but cool special mission for players to complete, where the airdrop reward awaits.




Flokiverse — Emerging Strategic & Economic Play-2-Earn Metaverse on Terra Blockchain / terrafloki.io / https://twitter.com/TerraFloki 01010101 01010010 01001100