Find Customers to Buy Your Microgreens!

Terra Houseman
3 min readJan 28, 2024


If you feel like the microgreen market is limited, trust me, it is MUCH broader than you think! When you utilize simple search skills, you can locate potential customers and businesses, dying to get their hands on your microgreens.

You need to become creative, learn to scour social media, search engines, and online directories. Leave no stones unturned in your search for customers.

Think about it. All of us - we all have to eat. Every human being, including their pet, is and/or are, a potential microgreen customer.

Enhance your food with microgreens dream catcher!

Look into untapped markets that normally would not have been on your radar. Stretch your imagination, when it comes to finding customers.

Age, gender, income, and education, are important factors to consider. However, just as important for consideration, is people’s characteristics, personality traits, values, hobbies, and/or interests.

You may target people who love cats, and are looking for fresh wheatgrass for their cat, for instance.

Another, could be targeting people who’re interested in sustainable and healthy eating, or following a specific diet, like keto.

Combine your targets with research from sources like social media groups, online forums, or niche publications. You WILL gain new insights, and new ideas to help you find new customers.


Find out exactly, who is currently buying microgreens, what their demographics are, what their needs and preferences are, and you WILL be blessed with customers.

To Help In Your Search of Finding New Customers, Here’s 30 Business Type Ideas to Research.

  1. Restaurants and cafes
  2. Grocery stores and supermarkets
  3. Food co-ops
  4. Online marketplaces
  5. Specialty food stores
  6. Country clubs
  7. Hotels and resorts — High-end hotels and resorts
  8. Community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs
  9. Food trucks
  10. School lunch programs
  11. Smoothie bowl and acai bowl shops
  12. Gourmet meal delivery services
  13. Hospital cafeterias
  14. Local chefs and cooking schools
  15. Specialty tea and coffee shops
  16. Yoga studios and wellness centers
  17. Online meal kit delivery services
  18. Wedding and event planners
  19. High-end specialty food distributors
  20. Craft breweries and distilleries/Wineries
  21. Seafood and sushi restaurants
  22. Bakeries
  23. Pet stores
  24. Retirement communities
  25. Cooking schools and culinary programs
  26. Ski resorts
  27. Organic juice and smoothie bars
  28. Sports nutrition stores
  29. Online farmers markets
  30. Salad bar chains

For 20 More Ideas Of Where To Search For New Customers - check out this post on medium —



Terra Houseman

Serial Online and Offline Entrepreneur | I’m blessed to serve others not only on a local basis, but also on an international basis