Terra McDanielA white man aggressively questioned me as I walked alone in my neighborhood.A white man approached and aggressively questioned me on a recent walk.Jun 23, 20201Jun 23, 20201
Terra McDanielThe Charlottesville In MeI watched the news from 2017's Unite the Right Rally Charlottesville in anguish. Young white men with buzz cuts and designer sunglasses…Feb 25, 2020Feb 25, 2020
Terra McDanielI spent a week at the Texas-Mexico border. Here’s what I learned.This fall, I traveled to the border with a group of fellow pastors and concerned citizens because, as a Christian, I believe I’m called to…Nov 11, 2019Nov 11, 2019
Terra McDanielChildren & Young MothersI read about a teen mother with a premature infant being held in a detention center at the border last weekend. She was in a wheelchair…Jul 1, 20191Jul 1, 20191
Terra McDanielWhat Electing a Sexual Predator Has Felt Like for an Abuse SurvivorLast November, the US elected a man well known for his tendency to view women primarily in terms of their sexual desirability. A man who…Jul 20, 2017Jul 20, 2017