Ascended Masters — Merlin the Magician Helps You Reconnect with the Magic Within

Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms.
3 min readJul 10, 2018


Alchemy is a Mystical term for the transformation of heavy physical matter energies into higher vibration energies. Dense physical energy is heavy and laden with fear based thoughts and emotions. It is also laced with positive loving thoughts and emotions.

Merlin the Mystic Magician will, when asked, assist you in reconnecting with that special spark of magic within you, within your heart center. In seeking his assistance, the truth of what is yet to be made manifest into physical form is part of the excitement and the anticipation!

Heed the call within as you go within your own actions, thoughts and emotions. What is it you are truly focusing on? Do you focus on what has not yet manifested into physical form? Or do you choose to focus on the outcome of all you desire?

The Master of Alchemy is ready to help you shift from within beginning with your energy. Remember, energy is everything and everything is energy.As you open yourself to exploring the Inner World of the Mystic, the Magician of days long since past encourages and supports your expansion from the inside out and from the outside in.

Allow you to surrender the fear of the unknown as your leaden, fear based negative energy transforms in a higher vibration of golden light, that of your Higher-Self expanding beyond your current vibration, your current sense of knowing.

Crystals and Minerals associated with Merlin the Mystic Magician are Amethyst, Ametrine, Clear Quartz, Rainbow Quartz, Peacock Ore, Tangerine Quartz and Red Aura Amethyst.

A Message from Merlin the Magician*

Child of physical matter, do not dwell on that which is now behind you.

Do not dwell on that which has yet to manifest into physical form before you.

Choose instead to focus upon the light bringing your inner awareness into alignment with your truth, the truth of your Soul and that of your Higher-Consciousness.

The light always, always, always, reveals all in the light.

Be willing to step into the light, allowing all that would seek refuge in the corners of darkness and shadow to be cleansed, healed and transformed into a higher vibration enabling you to move forward away from all that would seek to hold you from your good.

There is nothing more powerful than that of love and light.

There is nothing more powerful than the spoken word.

Bring all together as one, this is the creation of magic within and without.As above so below. As below so above.

As within so it is manifested in kind into physical form around you.

Believe in the magic within, reconnect with your truth allow it to shine forth before you. *channeled through Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms.

Words are words until they become spoken from the heart space within. Words are the magic bringing to life all that is yet to be, all that unfolds before you with patience, understanding and with faith and trust knowing you are One with Divine Source.

Merlin the Mystic Magician holds his golden staff of light casting out doubt, fear and confusion clearing the way for clarity and alchemical transformation from heavy physical matter energy into the golden energy of Higher-Consciousness and light of expanding awareness.



Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms.

Crystal Lovers * Crystals * Minerals *Stones * Exceptional * High-Vibe * Quality * Energy * Ethically Sourced