Slow Living in 2024

Terrill Bodner
4 min readDec 31, 2023
Photo by author, Terrill Bodner

There comes a time in our lives when we take a step back and see how far we have come. Whether it is at 18, 25, 40 or 64, it can hit like a ton of bricks. What am I doing with my life? Where do I go from here? All life experiences can culminate to something new and exciting if we let it.

With 2024 just around the corner I am feeling a great shift in life. It’s hard to put into words, so I will try to say it through photography. This past summer I ventured back to where I was a child in Nova Scotia. The scenic landscape and quaint little towns and villages are far different than here on the west coast where I have lived for over 50 years now. But Nova Scotia still can take me back to vivid memories of places and sounds and smells that just aren’t here where I am now. It can feel like a jolt at first, then an overwhelming ‘ahhhh’ can creep in unexpected. I relax. My shoulders slump back to their neutral position. My eyes take in the sights like they did the first time I saw them. Capturing the cedar clapboard on the century old houses, the curling bark of the ancient apple trees, the moonshells found and proudly displayed, perhaps by a child.

Photo by author, Terrill Bodner



Terrill Bodner

Hi, I'm Terrill (rhymes with Carol), Accredited Professional Photographer. Visual Storyteller, curious writer. I am a seeker of light.